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"Why do you have to be so pretty?" Shinsou asked in response, I blushed. What?! "Sorry, that came out of nowhere,...are you tired? You should rest and let those wounds heal, [y/n]." He was also blushing.

"Yeah, that's kinda why I'm here....i.."


Izawa came up behind and was in the doorway "hey kids, I just wanted to say...sorry but your going to share this room, I got others comin over that are going to use the guest room." He watched us.

My heart raced as I thought about it. "Okay." Was Shinso's reply.

"Okay," I sat on the floor. Shinso came over and picked me up and put me on the bed.

"Your not sleeping on the floor, especially with those cuts."

Izawa was suddenly climbing into a yellow cacoon, then he eyed his son before leaving. Then you could hear a flop as he landed on the couch down the stairs and in the livingroom.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked.

"The floor" Shinso smiled and laid down on the floor with a pillow and blanket.

I pouted, "...can you sleep up here.....too?" I blushed at the assertiveness I just had.

Shinso sat up and looked at me. "Look, I don't know about you but I......" he seems to stop and think. "Why?"

"B-because.....um......." The truth was I hadn't had physical contact with another other than getting a piggy back, and him inspecting my shoulder, and that wasn't very much, and I was diying to get some form of hug. "I....it's cold...." I made an excuse.

"....your cold?....if anyone here should be cold it should be me." He watches me for a few more seconds then gets up with a sigh. "If you just wanna cuddle that's more understandable than being cold..." I was about to move over to make room when he picked me up and laid down then put me down next to him. He pulled the covers over us. "Happy now?" He was faced away from me.

"Y-yeah....goodnight" I sputtered.

"Goodnight." I fell asleep and during the night I skooted closer to Shinso and hugged him tightly. I mumbled in my sleep and nusled my face in his neck.

Shinso was a blushing mess. He didn't want to wake [y/n]. He smiled and for once in his life got some sleep.

*in the morning*

I woke up and blinked a few times to try and take in how I was positioned. I blushed.

I wasn't only hugging him, but he was holding me close, closer than I thought possible for someone so distant

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I wasn't only hugging him, but he was holding me close, closer than I thought possible for someone so distant. I could look up and kiss him if I wanted to. I blushed. Stupid brain shut up! ...but it's not that bad of an idea....unless he's a light sleeper... I thought about it, but I ended up just hugging his tighter. That's when I realized that are legs were tangled together. I blushed and tryed not to freak out, but my heart wasn't fooling anyone though. He had one of his legs pushed up to my crotch and I had one leg draped over his hip and there was no getting my legs out of this tangled mess without waking him. Shit!

Just then someone walked into the room. "Where's [y/n]?" I heard Izawa. I waved at him, but I gently put my arm back in place because it was cold. "[Y/n]? What?!"

"Shhhh" I whispered to try and keep him quiet so that he didn't wake Shinso. "This boi needs as much sleep as he can get."

".....well that's very kind of you but it's time to wake up, so if you don't want this to be awkward I suggest you pretend your asleep when I wake him" Izawa suggested. "...also how did this even happen?"

I smiled, "I'll wake him up, and I am hugging him now because I asked him to sleep on the bed with me. Although how we got we got in this position....is beyond me."

"....well alright, he can continue sleeping, I have to head out though, so see you kids." I heard him leave.

I looked up and was inches away from kissing him. Sheeeeesh! I blushed at the thought. Maybe tomorrow morning. "Shinso"...."Shinso~".....I reached a hand up to the back of his neck, while staring at his face happily, I played with his hair. It was so fluffy and soft. While this was happening he moved his head down closer. I froze, his lips were hovering over mine only centimetres apart. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I gripped his hair. "Shinso!"

He jumped awake. "[Y/n]? What?" Are faces were still inches apart.

"If you wanna kiss me that's fine but I'd prefer if you were awake for it!" I blushed at what I said. I became curious of whether he noticed where his leg was, were are legs were, and how they were tangled.

"Sorry! ....wait what?! Kiss? When?" Then he blushed more furiously and moved his leg away from my crotch.

When he did that I realized I had been stiff and I sighed and relaxed. "Thank you."

There not only was it fluffy but it was extra long to make up for the last one being short. I hope you love this chapter as much as I do.

[896 words.]

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