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After the shower I dried myself off for the most part. When I was done and in a pair of Shinso's pajamas, which had a face of a cat on the shirt and cat faces covering the soft pajamas pants, I walked out of the upstairs bathroom and walked to his room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." He said through the door. I opened the door and saw that he had changed into pajamas himself but he was standing at the dresser looking as if contemplating something. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I couldn't help but stare. "Like what you see?"

"Huh! Uh um i-i....." all I could do was stutter, and flush while look to the ground.

"Okay, I guess I should put a shirt on." I stood there. "Anyways, also I didn't get the chance to see how your shoulder was doing. Can you pull the neckline of the shirt over your shoulder and let me see?"

"S-sure" I did as asked and he walked over to me and looked at it.

"Looks clean, should be able to heal with no problems" he smiled at me. My heart picked up its pace. Oh no. What's wrong with my heart?!

"Are you usually this charming?" I asked him while smiling back.

"U-uh..." he blushed which caught me off guard.

Hey, sorry for the short chapter😅, I got caught up in life and forgot about this not thinking anyone would really notice if I just left it alone......turns out I'm wrong, I appreciate all the support! And thank you for reading my fic! As an apology and thanks I promise fluff in the next chapter😊

[287 words.]

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