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After we got back I put my bag in the corner of his room not waiting to deal with it yet. The bills hidden within. I didn't want to even think about them yet.

"Dinners ready kids. Come and get it." Mic called. We both came out and went to the kitchen and sat at the table. I was starving. I haven't eaten in a while, except for that ice cream but that wasn't food. Aizawa put a plate of food in front of both of us.

"You guys have fun out there?" He asked. Shinsou shrugged.

"It was okay." I said. Shinsou stared at me in disbelief.

"Tsk you are not okay. And nothing in that house was just 'okay'." He stated.

"What do you mean?" Mic came up behind Aizawa and hugged his waist.

I glared at Hitoshi for bringing it up. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing!" He stood up glaring back at me. "[Y/n] is ganna be homeless because her mother abandoned her."

Aizawa was a bit shocked. "....no she won't."

"It's none of your business! Just stay out of it! I can take care of myself!" I quickly ate all the food on my plate and rushed to hitoshi's room and sat in the corner with my bag.

Shinsou walked in. "Hey.... I'm sorry... can you forgive me for telling them?" He came over and sat in front of me. I looked away from his pretty face and stared at a wall. I have to deal with Justin humiliating me. And now possibly find a job and pay bills. What am I going to do. "[Y/n]?" I looked back up at him.

"What do you want?" He stared at me in silence for a long while.

"I.... don't know..." he got up and got ready for bed then went to the bed and layed close to the wall, facing the wall. I stared at him for a minute. Then I also got up. I got changed right there, with him in the room, and then I went over and got into bed under the warm covers and layed facing away from him.

But he didn't do anything wrong. So why am I treating him like he did. This is bs. I rolled over and faced him. "Hitoshi..."

"...what..?" He didn't move.

"I-.....hmm" I didn't know what to say. I wasn't exactly sorry for anything. But I wanted him to look at me. His pretty violet eyes, I wanted to see them.

It was silent for a few moments more. "Oh yeah. We gotta check your wounds. Come on." He sat up and turned and looked at me. Suddenly his face became shocked. "[Y/n]!?"

I hadn't realized it but I had started to cry. The lit on my bottle of emotions was unscrewing itself and slowly coming off. I covered my face, and began crying harder. My mother left me for some rich man in Italy, it was written on one of the bills. She didn't give a shit about me. She just up and left then to make it worse she called me and acted like she'd be back in a day or two. My heart ached with pain and sadness.  I couldn't believe my own mother would turn her back on me. I layed there bawling now.

Shinsou's arms grabbed me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "It's ganna be okay" his husky voice whispered reassurance to my troubled heart. He ran his fingers through my hair gently. "Let it all out."  I was choking on my tears.

"What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to go?" I cried harder, becoming as limp as a doll in his arms, tremors of tears shaking my body. My existence was pure bad luck. 

"We'll figure it out. [Y/n] you're not alone. We- I will make sure you are going to be okay. We'll figure out what to do and we'll do it." He hugged me close. "I promise. You'll still have a roof over your head and food to eat." I cried into his chest. I hugged him back just as tightly. We layed down and held each other till I passed out exhausted from all the crying.

Hitoshi's POV

She passed out after crying so hard. I hadn't expected her to so suddenly burst into tears. She didn't seem the type at all. But I guess everyone has their limits.

I checked her wounds and got bandages and rebandaged her shoulder and back.

As I was doing so I realized that earlier she had been wearing different clothes, but she had never left the room. Had she really trusted him to not turn over and see that she actually changed in here? I couldn't comprehend it.

I also thought about the bills she had stuffed in her bag. One had something written on it.

I made her comfortable in bed then went over to the bag and pulled out the letters and saw what one said. And with all the amount of money needed for the bills, I was ganna need help. I went to my dad's room and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Aizawa opened the door very obviously tired.

"We need to talk" I stated.

[883 words.]

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