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//In the morning//

(Sorry hehe I wasn't interested in finishing said smut. Maybe in another chapter I'll do the full thing.)

I woke up cuddling a very warm Hitoshi. "Mmm." My eyes met with his, he had apparently been watching me. For how long I'm not sure. I smirked as I stared right back into the violet eyes that seemed to be staring into my soul. "How long have you been staring at me with that look~?" I asked as I brushed my thumb over his lips.

"Oh not long~" he bit my thumb gently while smiling wide, then winked at me.

I blushed at this."Oh really now?"

"Just...one or two hours."

"Pft! Haha whatever." He smiled more. "Let's get dressed and go to school before we're late."

He sighed, "if we must." I giggled and got up and got dressed and he did the same. Neither of us minding the other being naked now. "Hey Kitten would y-" he froze and got bright red when he caught my expression at the pet name. "I- you didn't hear anything."

"Oh no not at all." I said, smiling smugly. His face was crimson. "When did you come up with this pet name?"

"Hmm..." he looked away embarrassed.

"No look at me mister" I pulled his chin back in my direction. "Well?"

He scratched his neck, "some time last night when you fell asleep." I giggled. "....do uh... do you mind me calling you that?"

I blushed. "Only if you be my boyfriend~"

"Absolutely. ...kitten~" I giggled and blushed.

//at school//

We walked up to the school holding hands, our fingers interlocked. I couldn't stop smiling. We walked into the school and Justin was the first thing I saw. He came over clearly raging.

"How dare you!! She's mine! My mate!" He growled and wolf ears and a tail came out and his teeth got sharper.

I hugged Hitoshi's arm now scared. Shinsou started shaking violently. Then he very calmly asked, "Kitten would you kindly release my arm and go to class?"

"I- yes." I backed up and started walking to class, but then i heard a loud crack. As if something broke. I looked back and Justin was holding a side of his jaw. Shinsou was on top of Justin, beating him senseless.

"HOW DARE I!?!? ARE INSANE!? HOW DARE YOU!! YOU MONSTER!! HOW DARE YOU BULLIE AND RAPE A HELPLESS GIRL!?!?" Shinsou screamed at him. I was frozen in shock just watching.

Justin got a punch into Shindou and rolled on top of him and started beating the shit out of him. He used his werewolf claws and clawed his face, causing there to be blood. I gasped and ran closer and went and grabbed Justin, trying to get him off Hitoshi. "Stop it! Get off him!" I cried. I didn't want Hitoshi to be hurt.

My trying to pull him off distracted Justin and Shinsou rolled on top of him and kept beating him till Justin stopped moving and there was blood everywhere, he then proceeded to start choking Justin.

"!? Hitoshi! Don't do it!" I tried pulling Shinsou off but he wouldn't budge, he was too strong. I didn't want him to become a murderer. He wasn't like that.

Aizawa came running down the hall and grabbed Shinsou and pulled him off. Hitoshi struggled against him but soon calmed down and Aizawa let him go. "Someone carry him to the nurse." Aizawa instructed and some kids took Justin, dragging him down a hall. "Would you care to explain?" He glared at Shindou hard.

I jumped in front of him. "It was my fault!" Aizawa's brows furrowed in confusion. I swallowed hard. "I-"

"He's been bullying [y/n] and beating her to death for who knows how manny years. Not to mention the other day the reason she stayed home is cause he raped her!" He was still fuming with anger. I turned and tried to wipe some of the blood off his face.

"I see." Aizawa stopped glaring at him and started glaring at the hall were Justin disappeared into.

"He even tried saying she was his werewolf mate! Fucking hell." After a few more breaths he finally calmed down and looked at me. I hadn't said much but I had gotten in the way while they were fighting and had taken a hit from Hitoshi, granted it was an accident. But it was his knuckles that had collided with my cheek, my cheek was already purple with a bruise.

As Shinsou caught sight of this along with the tears in my eyes that were most likely mistaken for tears of pain when they were actually tears of sadness cause i didn't wanna see Hitoshi hurt. His face twisted into different emotions. "Did... did I do that?" He gently raised his hand to cup my cheek in his hand.

"I-....." I didn't want him to know. It was just an accident. I got in the way. I deserved it. I leaned into his hand and put my hand against his. "No."

"....don't lie to me..." he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry. It won't happen again Kitty."

I blushed lightly. "Let's go to the nurses, you look like a wreck."

"Fine but I'm having your cheek looked at first." We then walked to the nurses.

[894 words.]

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