A Cry in the Park - Part 2

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Chapter 2

Two police officers were driving to Logan's home. The one sat in the passenger seat was going through the information they had been given.

   "Okay," said Derek, his blue eyes scanning his notepad, "so, a nine-year-old girl named Louise Belcher was in the park when she was pushed into a well by a Logan Bush, fifteen years old." He pushed his blonde hair off his forehead. "Apparently, he said he was getting revenge on her for something."

   "Just awful," said the older officer, Brian, his eyes focused on the road. His salt and pepper hair was only just revealed underneath his hat, which matched his moustache. His brown eyes were full of experience. "I tell ya something, this town's just getting worse and worse."

   "You got that right, sir. Oh, here it is, just over there," and Brian pulled up outside the house.

Climbing the front steps, one of them knocked on the door. After a few moments, a middle-aged blonde woman opened the door. She frowned slightly upon seeing them.

   "Yes? How can I help you?"

   "Mrs Cynthia Bush?" asked Brian.


   "Do you have a son named Logan?" 

Her eyes widened a bit.

   "Yes, what's the matter?"

   "May we speak with him?"

   "Why? He's not done anything."

   "We'd like to talk with him."

   "Oh, all right." Cynthia stood aside and opened the door. "Please come in. Logan!" she called up the stairs. Tom was still at work, and wouldn't be home until later.

Logan came down the stairs and visibly paled when he saw the policemen.

   "Hi, Logan," said the younger officer, Derek. He had been on the force for five years, and although he loved his job, he found it difficult sometimes. "We just want to ask you a few questions." 

Logan nodded silently, clenching and unclenching his hands. Cynthia came and stood beside him.

   "Logan's been at home since six, and he's been in his room since then," she informed them.

   "Logan, do you know a girl called Louise Belcher?" Derek had to look over at Cynthia as she rolled her eyes, and muttered 'that one.'

   "Yes, Mrs. Bush?" he raised an eyebrow, and Cynthia pursed her lips.

   "Louise Belcher – very difficult child," she said. Derek said nothing and turned his attention back to Logan.

   "Do you know Louise Belcher?" he repeated, and Logan slowly nodded.


   "Did you see Louise today?" he asked, noticing how the boy squirmed.

   "Yeah," he said eventually.

   "So?" said Cynthia. "Whatever she's done, it doesn't involve my boy."

   "Well, apparently it does ma'am. You see, Louise is trapped in the old well at Wharf Park, and she's said that Logan pushed her in, and so we just wanted to come by here, and confirm that she's telling the truth," said Brian.

   "That's ridiculous! Logan wouldn't do something like that! That awful child is telling lies again! Isn't that right, Logan?" Cynthia looked down at her son, who was fidgeting anxiously. Beads of sweat were forming along his forehead. "Logan?"

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now