A Cry in the Park - Part 21

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She had been in the HDU for just under a week, when Bob, Linda, Gene and Tina walked in one morning. Even though Louise knew that only two of them were allowed in at a time, which was a stupid rule, she didn't mention this. Old meanie Nurse Judith would probably make them leave.

Bob and Linda had closed for the morning because Patrick and Simon were going to visit Louise and they didn't want to miss it. Neither did Gene and Tina, which was why they were all allowed in the room.

It was about 10:30am; Louise had already had breakfast – porridge, a round of buttered toast, a bowl of apple slices and grapes, and a glass of water. Her back wounds had been cleaned, and now she was watching television.

Even though she was no longer dehydrated, Louise still drank an enormous amount; anything she could get her hands on; water, milk, juice, fizzy drinks because she still got thirsty a lot. She was currently drinking a big glass of orange juice whilst watching cartoons, with her family gathered around her. Bob had his video camera in his pocket, and was trying to conceal it; he wanted to capture the moment when Patrick and Simon came, and remember it forever.

   "Louise?" The junior nurse, Mandy, entered the room. Louise liked her a lot better than Judith; Mandy was so much nicer. "There are some people out here who'd like to visit. Is that okay?"

   "Who is it?" asked Louise, as Linda took the empty glass from her and placed it on the side table, not noticing the smiles on her family's faces, nor the fact that Bob had the video camera in his hand, filming. About time she got some visitors; she'd only been stuck in a well for five days; people should be lining up to see her. Apparently, Big Bob, Teddy and Mort had been to see her, but Louise had been asleep, so it didn't count.

   "Just some people who know you."

   "All right, then."

Mandy stepped back and two men holding a massive card entered the room.

Louise looked up at the two smiling men. They looked so familiar; she had definitely seen them before, she just couldn't think where or when. She looked into their faces, eyes narrowed slightly, trying to place them, and then it clicked. The one on the left, he had been holding her. Louise remembered the cameras flashing and the cheering as they were hoisted above ground, as the tunnel grew lighter and lighter until it seemed brighter than day. She remembered this man talking to her quietly and smiling, and the relief in his eyes.

But the man on the left...

Louise remembered this man very well; she remembered the man talking to her, trying to comfort her, and she remembered the rubble being lifted off of her bit by bit, and slowly being brought out of the well. She remembered looking into the man's face, although she wasn't aware of anything at the time, and both men strapping her down onto a spinal board. It was strange how she remembered the whole thing better now than when it actually happened.

Louise suddenly broke into a big grin, and her arms jerked up as if to hug them, but then she pulled back, wondering if she should. She didn't do hugs, even to people who saved her. Patrick leaned towards her, and hugged her, Louise eventually hugging him back, shocking her family. She would never admit it, but she felt like crying a little. These people had saved her. "Thank you," she said quietly.

   "It's great to see you looking so well," grinned Patrick.

   "Yeah," agreed Simon. "We've got this for you," and he and Patrick held up the giant six-foot-by-four-foot extremely colourful card, decorated with doodles, glitter and stickers. It was signed by every single member of both the fire and police departments in Seymour's Bay, no matter their rank, whether or not they were actually there. If they were a policeman or fireman, they signed the card. "This is from everyone at the police and fire stations," he told Louise, whose jaw had dropped at the sight.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now