A Cry in the Park - Part 23

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This chapter is going to be longer than usual, to make up for the missed updates.

Barely a week later, Dr Anderson arrived at Louise's room for her physical therapy session.

   "Morning, Louise," he smiled. "How you doing today?"

   "Oh, fine," she said sarcastically. She was already sitting up, with her slippers and shoe fillers on.

   "Great." Her sarcasm wasn't lost on him, but he decided to ignore it. "Well, if you're ready, we can start."

   "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

   "Great," he repeated. "So, today, I thought it would be good if we took a walk around the hospital."


   "Not the entire hospital," he clarified, "just this floor. It'll be a way for you to practise walking for longer periods."

   "Okay," Louise readily agreed, desperate to go somewhere that wasn't her room or the gym.

When she had stood, she put on her dressing-gown, refusing help even though she wobbled a bit, and she hobbled over to the door, Linda and the doctor flanking her.

It was easier than she thought; the crutches helped a lot, and it was actually quite nice being able to walk more than five feet, before having to turn around. It was good to see that she wasn't the only one in pyjamas and a dressing-gown, so at least she didn't stick out like a sore thumb.

She toured the HDU; she couldn't go into any of the rooms, but she got to walk down the hallway. "This is so fun(!)" she muttered under her breath, as they left the HDU, and Louise paused for a moment to catch her breath.

   "All right, where shall we go next?" asked Linda.

   "I don't know; anywhere," Louise replied.

   "How about.. the cafe and gift shop?" she suggested, and Louise nodded.


She had barely made it ten feet into the cafe when a middle-aged lady approached her. She was obviously another patient, as she was wearing a hospital gown, and she was pulling a stand with an IV drip alongside her. Her brown hair looked as though it hadn't been brushed for several days, and she was staring at Louise with a sort of reverence.

   "Louise Belcher!" she said, looking down at Louise with awe.


   "You're the little girl who was in the well!"

Louise blinked.


   "Aw, it's so good to see you! You're looking so well," the lady moved forward to hug, and Louise shuffled back awkwardly.

   "Uh, Louise is still feeling a little.. sore right now, so I'll take your hug!" Linda hurriedly stepped in and hugged the woman tightly.

   "I watched every day," she told Linda, while Louise could only stare, not quite sure of what she was seeing. "It's amazing to see her," the lady said, and Linda stepped back.

   "All right, thank you; we've gotta go now."

   "Bye, Louise!" the woman called, and Louise looked over her shoulder, more than confused.

   "What the hell just happened?!" she asked as soon as they were in the hallway.

   "We told you you were famous," said Linda.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now