A Cry in the Park - Part 7

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Chapter 7

Bob looked over at his wife, who was knelt by the well, talking to Louise. Both he and Linda felt so helpless, and Bob felt like he couldn't talk to his wife; he had his own fears about Louise dying in the well before they could get to her. He had tried to reassure his wife that their daughter was going to be okay, but he was struggling to believe it.

With each passing moment, the situation seemed to become more and more serious.

He needed to be strong for his wife and family; it was now time for him to be rational, and logical and calm. He wanted to break down and cry, but he felt that if he did, then everything else would fall apart, so he did his best to keep his feelings in check. All he could do was think about the moment when Louise would get out of the well.

When Linda returned, Bob remained where he was, standing silently; Linda felt numb.

   "Linda?" asked Bob tentatively. "Is everything okay?"

   "I just don't know what to do," she said desperately. "I need to do something to help my baby! I know I should be doing something, but I can't; they won't let me go down and dig, they won't let me operate the crane; they won't let me do anything!"

   "But we can talk to her," said Bob, trying not to fall apart. "I think Louise would rather hear us than some strangers."

   "It doesn't feel like enough!" Linda continued. "We keep telling her that we're going to get her out, but it's so slow... I just know I should be doing more to help her."

   "Look, Linda, none of us can do anything more than what we are; I bet hearing our voices is a real comfort to Louise because she knows that we're there for her, and when they get her out, we're gonna be standing right there, and the first thing Louise'll see will be our smiling faces."


The kids remained on the ground at the front of the barriers, watching silently. Millie had calmed somewhat, but she was shaking with worry.

   "I wonder how long it'll be," said Regular-sized Rudy after a while.

   "Hopefully, it's by this evening." Zeke didn't look too sure, though.

   "It's got to be soon," said Millie frantically. "She can't stay down there much longer!"

   "I'm sure she's fine," Zeke assured her.

   "You don't know!" she wailed. "How can you know? They won't tell us anything!"

   "Whoa, calm down, girl! Just tryna be positive."

   "Don't tell me to calm down! I'm so afraid! I'm scared she's going to die, okay!" Millie snapped, her eyes brimming with tears.

   "Girl, she ain't going to die," Zeke reassured her, placing his arm around the girl's shoulders, but Millie shrugged it off.

   "How do you know that?! You can't possibly know that! She could have broken ribs, or a fractured skull, or -"

   "Well, she ain't got that." Zeke could admit he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he knew that if Louise had some serious injuries like that, they would have heard about it. There was a doctor; he'd be able to tell.

   "The well is so small -" Millie was cut off yet again.

   "If it were too small, Louise wouldn't be making any sounds at all." Zeke was on a roll; he was quite proud of himself. "Millie, listen to me, girl; she's gonna be fine."

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now