A Cry in the Park - Part 20

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I'm not going to go easy on our little Louise in these chapters (but let's be honest, when have I ever?), so prepare yourselves, but there is happiness, as well, so don't worry.

Wharf Park had been completely restored; the fences had been put back up, the benches had been put back, and the machinery that had taken up residency had long gone. The only major differences were the steel lid that had been welded over the mouth of the well, and the three-foot-wide circle of concrete that filled the rescue hole.

The park looked normal, but it would forever be different.

Cards were still delivered to the Belcher home weekly, some containing money, others containing vouchers, gift certificates, and even letters and poems. Bob and Linda had kept all of them; there wasn't enough space in Louise's hospital room to display all of them; she would open them when she came home.

They were still besieged with phone calls from the reporters, and they had given strict instructions to the kids' to not answer the door, after one too many journalists had turned up on their front step. Bob and Linda had told Gene and Tina to not answer the reporters questions, be it on the phone or in person, no matter what.

The day after Louise's operation, Bob had surprised Gene and Tina by locking up the restaurant.

   "How come you're closing up?" asked Gene as Bob pocketed his keys.

   "We're going to see Louise," he said.

   "Yeah, but, we never close on Saturdays."

   "Well, she needs us," was all Bob said, as Mike the mailman approached them, his bag in his hand.

   "Got a package here for Louise," he said, reaching into his bag, and pulling out a large box wrapped in brown paper.

   "Oh, thanks," said Bob, taking the surprisingly light parcel. "Who's it from?"

   "Well, I don't know; I don't have X-ray vision," said Mike, still rummaging in his bag.

   "Yet," said Gene, as Mike pulled out three envelopes and handed them to Bob.

   "Some more cards for her. How is she doing?"  

   "She's getting better," Bob said.

   "That's good; when will she be home?"

   "Um, two, maybe three weeks?" Bob guessed. None of them were certain when Louise would be able to come home. All they knew was that it couldn't come soon enough. Mike nodded in reply and left to continue his job.

   "What do you think it is?" Tina looked at the box Bob was holding.

   "I don't know," Bob checked the return address, but it was only the post office. "I'll just go put it inside."

   "Wait, you're not gonna give it to her?" asked Gene.

   "The nurses might not let her have it; in case of contamination," Bob said before heading back into the apartment.

When they arrived at the hospital, Louise was asleep, and Linda was sat next to her bed, looking pretty tired herself. "Hey, Lin," said Bob quietly. "How's she doing?"

   "Oh, she barely slept last night. I don't know why." Linda looked upset.

   "Well, the nurse said that all the noise from the machines could keep her up," Bob remembered, sitting next to his wife.

   "Yeah, I think that was it," she turned back as Louise began to stir.

   "Ugh," she groaned, opening her eyes. "Can't you guys just stop talking for once?"

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now