A Cry in the Park - Part 22

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The Oceanside Times

April 6th, 2019

"A press conference in which Louise Belcher was due to speak to the media has been postponed, due to the little girl falling ill.

Doctors have said that Louise became ill with pneumonia, and another infection following a surgery, after she was moved out of the intensive care unit, where she had been recovering from injuries sustained from falling into a well. She is now in a private room, so that she is able to recuperate.

Bob and Linda Belcher have said that Louise is doing well otherwise.

   "She's really improving," said Linda in a phone call to anchor Olsen Benner. "She's moving around, and learning how to get in and out of her wheelchair, and she can't wait to go home."

Louise, nine, was pushed into an abandoned well by a teenage boy on Friday the 22nd of February, and was rescued five days later, on Wednesday the 27th. Since then, she has been hospitalised at Ocean City Memorial Hospital, recovering from dehydration, hypothermia, a broken ankle, a fractured coccyx, and constricted circulation to her arms and legs.

When Louise is better, the conference will go ahead as planned, and will also include a doctors' update on her condition.

Donations for her hospital care can be sent to the Louise Belcher Fund on Just Giving."

Less than two weeks after that snippet had been published, Louise was finally on the mend. She was able to keep food down, and her cough had gone. Her stumps were looking a lot better, as well.

Slowly, but surely, she was getting back into physical therapy, being careful to take it easy.

Fortunately, she had been in such a medicated haze, she hadn't felt much pain over the past few weeks, so Bob and Linda could at least be grateful for that.

Bob and Linda had been keeping busy at home, as well as at the hospital, still working hard to raise money for Japan.

Linda had already sold two of her precious Grazielda figurines, at $125 each, so that was an extra $250 in the pot. True to her word, she had set up an online shop for Bob, and he knitted scarves on his free evenings; he was beginning to master different colour patterns, and could now put tassels on the ends. When he had a decent amount, he would start selling them, and Linda said that he could start making sweaters and socks.

All of their tip money went into the Japan pot; Bob noticed that Teddy and Mort were tipping a lot more than they needed to. At that moment, they had almost $500.

The parents began to think that they could actually do it. If they kept this up, they might just actually go to Japan.


Tina and Gene were back at school, where pretty much everything had gone back to normal. It was their last day before spring break, and everyone was looking forward to being off school, and travelling with their families.

Tina and Gene were standing near Tina's locker, along with Jimmy Jr., Zeke, Tammy, Jocelyn, Courtney, Alex Papasian, and Regular-sized Rudy.

   "So, we're taking a cruise to the Bahamas," Tammy was saying, leaning up against the lockers. "I can't wait to see all the Bahamian boys!"

   "Oh, my God, you're so lucky! We're only going to Six Flags," said Jocelyn.

   "We're going to Cooperstown," said Jimmy Jr., earning a quiet moan from Tina. Just once, she wanted him to stay behind, so she could spend some time with him.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now