A Cry in the Park - Part 5

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Chapter 5

Olsen Benner once again approached the family, and she saw Bob pull a face.

   "Sir, I'm not here to interview you," she began, "I just want to show you something."

Bob and Linda looked over at her, curious.

   "What is it?" asked Bob.

   "Follow me." Olsen led the parents over to the news van, while Gene and Tina stayed with Teddy.

   "Do you kids wanna go home for a while, get some rest?" asked Teddy, looking down at the siblings.

   "I wanna stay here," said Tina, and Gene nodded.

   "Yeah, me too." 

Teddy nodded as well.

   "Okay, then."

Olsen, Bob, and Linda had reached the news van, and again they saw their daughter on the screen. Their little girl, who had been trapped for almost an entire day.

   "Did you know this place has CCTV?" Olsen's voice brought the parents back to reality, and they faced the reporter.


   "They decided to put CCTV in here after last Halloween. Some drunk guy with a broken leg ended up hiding in the play area, chased by a nurse carrying a table. Weird."

Bob cleared his throat nervously.

   "How did you find out about the CCTV?"

   "Well, I don't know if you know this, but the boy who pushed her in – he and his mom spoke to reporters earlier today. They claimed it was an accident, and so I wanted to see for myself. I got the footage from yesterday." Olsen pointed at the screen, and the image changed from Louise to a view of the park. "I spent hours digging through this," Olsen told them, speeding through the footage. "Ah, here it is," and the footage began to play. The timestamp in the bottom left corner of the screen read 17:50pm. They waited for a moment, and then a figure who was unmistakably Louise came into view; she was walking through the park, minding her own business, and she was straying off the path. Then, Logan was shown approaching her, and they appeared to talk, before Logan stepped right up close to Louise. More talking, before he shoved her, and Louise was seen staggering backwards, before disappearing into the well. The timestamp now read 17:54pm.

Bob and Linda's jaws were hanging open.

   "That little brat!" snapped Linda. But she stopped, continuing to watch. Logan, who had dropped to his knees, jumped up and ran off. "He left her!" Linda growled. "He left her there!"

   "Oh, my God," said Bob, looking disgusted. "He just ran off! If those two girls hadn't found her..."

   "I'm gonna kill him!" Linda growled.

   "Ma'am, the police will see this tape, and they'll decide what to do with the boy," Olsen said.

   "I'll tell ya what we'll do with him; we'll throw him down there for a day, see how he likes it." Muttering angrily under her breath, Linda, along with Bob, returned to their other children.

   "What did you see?" asked Gene.

   "There's video of Logan pushing Louise into the well, and then he ran off and left her!" Bob told them, and Teddy gasped.

   "He just left her? How could he?!"

   "Because he's evil, Teddy!" Bob snarled, his hands clenching into fists. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Once Louise is out, then we'll deal with him. How far have they gotten?"

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now