A Cry in the Park - Part 18

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Bob, Gene, and Tina arrived at the hospital the next morning just as as the doctor was finishing up with Louise, who was sat up in bed, looking furious as Linda was standing next to her.

   "Hey, Louise," Bob grinned, trying to be cheerful, but Louise was obviously still in a mood, as she only scowled in response. She had a see-through, sticker-type piece of material on the back of her left hand, which was placed over the numbing cream she had received prior.

Before he could say anything else, Dr Cabell, and another man approached him, and Linda came over.

   "Good morning, Mr and Mrs Belcher," smiled the man. "My name is Dr Clarke, and I'm an anaesthesiologist; I'll be supervising the surgery today, and I just wanted to tell you a little bit about what's going to happen. I've already informed Louise, and so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Now, we will be taking Louise down to the operating room shortly, where she will be put under general anaesthetic. The surgery is expected to last for a little over two hours, and when we're done, Louise will be taken to the recovery room, and when she's stable, you will be able to see her." He paused. "Now, there are risks involved, as with any type of surgery. She may bleed more than usual; the blood could collect under the skin and form haematoma. There is also the risk of infection, and the risk of blood clots, but rest assured, we will do our best to prevent these from happening."

Bob and Linda naturally looked quite worried now, so he continued. "About two or three days after the operation, your physical therapist will come by and begin teaching Louise things like how to sit up, how to move into a chair, those kinds of things. Do you have any questions?"

Bob and Linda only stared at him. "Right," Clarke nodded, "well, if there's no questions, then we'll take Louise down to theatre now."

The family stood back as a scowling Louise was taken off her bed, and placed onto a gurney, and wheeled out of the room. Then, they followed the bed as it was wheeled through the hallways, not unlike when she was first admitted.

When they reached the operating room, however, they had to separate and go and wait in the waiting room.

Louise remained silent as she was brought into the operating room. Her demeanour soon changed; the room was bright and cold and, much as she didn't want to admit it, frightening. The doctors, nurses and other hospital workers were all talking to her, but she wasn't listening.

Her breath quickened as surgeons dressed in scrubs leaned over her, and she struggled to sit up. She had to get away.

   "It's okay, sweetheart," came a disembodied voice, "you'll be fine."

Louise could not place who was speaking and she looked around, sweat beading on her forehead.

Her hospital gown was lowered at the neckline, and she felt something cold and sticky being placed on her chest. The light above her was bright, and was only dimmed when a surgeon would stand in front of it. The light coming from behind them meant that she could only see black shapes. Just several different black shapes moving around her, talking. Their masks meant that she couldn't place who was talking; the voices sounded like they were coming from all around her.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she forced them open when she heard the squeaking of wheels, and she looked over to her left, seeing a table full of medical equipment.

The surgeons appeared to be closing in around her, just a mass of shadows and shapes, and Louise felt her left arm being lifted. Someone was talking to her, but she didn't know who it was, or what they were saying. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the flash of a needle, and batted it away out of instinct, with surprisingly quick reflexes.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now