A Cry in the Park - Part 25

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Sorry for the sporadic updates, everyone. Life is really just kicking my butt at the moment. But here is a long chapter for you, so I hope you enjoy.

Louise, Gene and Tina walked down the school corridor. The final bell had rung, and Louise could not wait to get home. It was the last day of school, and she was not going to waste another second of it inside that prison.

   "Oh, hang on a second," Tina began stepping backwards, "I forgot something."

   "Is it your groove? Are you going to get it back?" asked Gene.

   "No; I left some friend fiction in my locker, and I need to finish it. Oh, and I also left Jimmy Jr's sweatband."

   "Okay, well, we'll wait out here," said Louise, "I've been to school once today; I don't need to go again."

The brother and sister waited and waited, but Tina did not re-emerge. Louise was secretly grateful for the rest; climbing stairs made her feel like she'd run a marathon, and she was using the opportunity to catch her breath. "What's taking her so long?" she complained, when Tina hadn't come out after five minutes.

   "I don't know. Wanna go find her?"

   "Nah, I'll wait; you go ahead." Louise leaned against the wall as Gene went inside, occasionally tapping her crutches against the ground.

Logan stormed down the street, fuming. He'd had a terrible day at school, with one thing after another going wrong for him, and he was filled with anger.

As he walked down the street, his hands balled into fists, muttering angrily to himself, he spotted Louise standing by herself, and he saw red.

   "You!" he snarled, striding over to her, and she looked up at him.

   "Back up," she said, holding out her arm. "You almost killed me once; you're not getting that chance again."

   "'Almost killed you'? Rubbish! Don't be so dramatic!" he scoffed. Louise glared at him.

   "I had dehydration, hypothermia, gangrene, and blood poisoning. Just one of those things can kill a person. I had them all, because of you," she informed him.

   "Bull, did you have all of that. You're lying. That fall must've given you brain damage."

   "Well, if I do have brain damage, it's because I'm standing here talking to you!"

   "I bet you don't even need those crutches."

Louise tightened her grip on them.

   "Wanna try and take them and find out?"

   "What, so you can get me charged with something else? Is there anything you won't do?"

   "Uh-oh, there aren't any wells around here," said Louise, after surveying the ground. "Looks like you're fresh outta luck."

Logan's face reddened.

   "It was an accident!" he snapped. He got closer, pointing at her face. Louise stood her ground, refusing to back away. If she hadn't had been such a coward the last time he approached her, she might not have ended up in the well. Besides, knowing her luck, he would probably push her into the street, and she'd get hit by a bus, or something. "But you just watch your back, because the second one won't be!" 

Louise couldn't say anything, as Logan had continued down the street. Looking back at the door, she saw Gene and Tina.

   "Finally!" she huffed. "Come on, hurry up; I wanna get home before it gets dark." 

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now