A Cry in the Park - Part 27

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So, I've decided to upload on Fridays instead of Saturdays (along with Tuesday) because, right now, I have Fridays free, so it's easier. Anyway, on with the story.

Louise sat at the table in her therapist's office, colouring. The room looked like a large, typical playroom rather than an office, filled with toys and games.

Louise went there once a week after school, whether she liked it or not. It wasn't too bad; it got her out of work, and she wasn't forced to talk. It was basically an hour in which she was free to colour, draw, or play. She much preferred to colour, as she got to switch her mind off, and it prevented her from drawing anything too revealing, especially if her session was held after a bad night.

At that moment, she was concentrating on colouring in a Dizzy Dog picture, while the therapist, a middle-aged woman by name of Hannah, sat nearby.

   "Why do we dream?" Louise asked suddenly, not looking up from her paper.

   "Well, some people believe that it's a way of processing memories; others believe it's how the mind deals with things. There's many different reasons.

   "But why?" Louise repeated. "What's the point? We don't need them. What happens when you dream the same thing over and over?"

   "That's a recurring dream. They can mean different things, too. Like, I don't know, trying to prepare for something you think is going to happen, or something your mind is trying to tell you."

   "... How do I make them stop?" she asked quietly, focusing on her drawing.

   "Well, what's your dream about?" Hannah asked gently, and Louise hesitated.

   "It's about that day," she said, "and everything's so real; it doesn't feel like a dream. I'm out walking into the park, and Logan pushes me into the well." She paused.

   "Perhaps this is your mind coming to terms with what happened." Hannah suggested.

   "Well, after he leaves, I start calling for help," said Louise, her pencil slowing down as she remembered her dream.

She was back, stuck in the cold, dark well, with bricks piled on top of her.

   "Help! Somebody! Help me! I'm stuck!" she yelled. After a while, she heard her family calling her name. They were looking for her. "Down here! I'm down here! I'm stuck in the well!" She screamed as loud as she could, but they couldn't hear her, and she continued to yell until her lungs were burning.

   "Louise?" came her father's echoey voice, and she sighed in relief.

   "Yeah! I'm stuck; I can't get out! You need to get help!"

Bob didn't appear to be listening; instead, it looked like he was looking around. "Dad? Dad, I need to get out!"

   "Yeah, you do." He sounded distracted.

   "Well, come on! What are you waiting for?"

Bob looked away as Linda shouted over to him.

   "No, I can't find her, Lin!" he yelled, leaving Louise confused.

   "Dad, I'm right here, help me!" she screamed, but Bob began to move away. "DAD!"

   "Keep quiet!" he snapped.

   "Dad, what are you doing? You can't just leave me down here!"

   "Why do you think I sent you out in the first place?"

Louise's blood ran cold as her father left her.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now