A Cry in the Park - Part 9

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By 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, Louise had been trapped in the well for 68 hours, and there was little more the family could do except talk to her. The drillers had managed to get another 8 inches closer to her, and they were cautiously optimistic that Louise could be rescued that very night. 

Bob tried not to get his hopes up when Carol had told them that, as he didn't want to be disappointed, but every time the signal was given for the cable to be raised, the Belcher family would sit up slightly, hoping to see Louise.

At that moment, Davis was sitting with them, as well as Carol, and was talking to them.

   "When we get to the last foot of rock, we're going to dig it by hand," he was saying, "because if we use the drills, the vibrations will cause another cave-in. However, digging the rock by hand is going to take a while; we don't know how long, but we'll do our best to go as quickly as possible. When we reach the well, they will break through, and then the paramedic will remove all the rubble and bring her out."

The way he was talking made it seem like it was going to happen very soon, Linda thought. "And they'll bring her up, and take her straight to the hospital - just to be sure," he quickly added, catching Linda's eye. "Once she is free, the well will be filled and then capped securely."

   "I'm going with her in the ambulance," said Linda, looking Davis in the eye, silently daring him to tell her that she couldn't.

   "That shouldn't be a problem," he said amicably.

   "I'm going as well," said Bob, tearing his eyes away from the well.

   "You may have to ride up front," Carol told him. "There won't be enough room for you both in the back."

Bob and Linda looked at each other, trying to silently communicate. Both of them wanted to be in the back with their daughter.

   "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it," said Bob after a few moment's silence, and Linda nodded.

   "Wait, what about the kids? We can't leave them here," she suddenly realised that if she and Bob both rode in the ambulance, the children would have no way of getting to hospital. Davis did not answer, and instead waved Richards over.

   "Mrs Belcher wants to know if there's any way her other children can get to the hospital, since she and her husband both wish to go in the ambulance," he explained, and Richards looked thoughtful.

   "Well," he began slowly, trying to think of something, before it came to him. "Your doctor has told us that he's already categorised Louise as a level 1 trauma, which means that she'll be seen as soon as she arrives at the hospital. Now, of course, we'll want to get her to the hospital as quickly as we can, because of the nature of injury. If it comes to it, a police car will escort the ambulance, and your children can ride in there, if you wish."

That seemed sensible enough to Linda and Bob, and so they agreed to it. Richards and Davis then left and continued to oversee the rescue operation.

Tim and Charlie continued reading to Louise, while Cabell gave her another quarter of sugar water.

Unfortunately, Louise hadn't learned her lesson from yesterday. She barely had the strength to lift her head, but she nonetheless managed to drink it all. It took her a while, but she eventually finished the bottle.

   "More?" she asked quietly, not having the energy to do anything more, and the two policemen glanced at each other, feeling terrible.

   "Louise, I told you that it has to last," Tim called.

   "Need.. more. Please?" was all she could muster. They felt terrible for denying her, but they had no choice in the matter.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now