A Cry in the Park - Part 3

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Chapter 3

Almost an hour after they'd left, the police officers returned, escorting a hydraulic rotary drilling rig. Chief Richards had drawn up a crude plan of how the rescue operation was to be executed.

   "Now, here's what we do; we dig a rescue shaft down next to the well, about five feet away, and then we drill across to where she is; she's eighty feet down, so, if the average man is six foot tall, give or take, that means we're going to have to dig the shaft to be eighty-seven feet."

   "All right, let's get to it," said Davis.

   "What about a backup plan?"

   "We don't have one yet." 

At that moment, they were again approached by Carol.

   "How's the family doing?" asked Richards.

   "They're starting to calm down, but they're still really worried. What should I tell them?"

   "Well, we'll keep you informed as we go along; just tell them what you think is best. I'd like to tell you more, but this is a new experience." 

Carol only nodded.

   "Tell them we're going to get her out," said Davis simply. Carol nodded again and left.

   "All right, let's get moving!" ordered Richards.

Two more police cars had arrived when the rig did and as the vehicle made its way to the park, surrounded by men who would assist in the drilling, two of the four officers placed barriers about twenty feet away from the well and ushered the ever-growing crowd behind it, while the other two ran over to the well.

Richards was explaining the rescue process to the family.

   "The only way we can get her out, is if we dig a shaft down next to the well, and then drill a tunnel across to where she is and we'll get her out that way."

   "How long will that take?" Linda asked.

   "A couple of hours," he estimated.

   "Is there anything I can do to help?" Bob enquired. "I'll do anything."

   "No. There isn't anything for you to do; we've got the drilling rig operator, we've got the drillers. I guess all you can do is take care of your family." 

Bob only nodded disappointedly.

Linda was staring at the well, and at all of the people surrounding it. She could not believe what was happening; her baby girl was trapped in a well. All she wanted was for her to get out.

They were moved back once again, as the drilling rig approached, to make room for the mammoth piece of machinery, its treads trampling the grass into dust. The family watched as the hydraulic rig was driven up to them, the machine almost dwarfing the crowd. Simon and Patrick, his colleague, had had to move, for the rig was drilling another hole on the other side of the well. Once the machine had started digging, they moved back to the well, as the huge, pointed spiral descended seemingly toward them, with horrible scraping and crunching sounds as it ploughed into the ground.

   "Shut it down! Turn it off!" Simon cried suddenly. The driver switched the engine off, letting the residents listen to the panicked, frightened shouting of Louise. Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene, and Teddy quickly moved forward and leaned towards the opening.

   "What is that?! What is it?!" the girl was heard frantically calling, sounding terrified.

   "Louise? Louise? Answer me, Louise. Don't be scared; we're getting you out," Bob called, trying to calm the girl down, but feeling so helpless. He wasn't even able to comfort his own daughter.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now