A Cry in the Park - Part 19

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Louise was, again, having difficulty sleeping. This time, it was because she was in quite a lot of pain. A lot lot of pain. She had expected her feet to hurt, but not her stomach. It was weird; they had done surgery on her feet, so why was her stomach hurting? Unless... her eyes widened slightly. Unless they had performed a sneaky surgery on her stomach for some strange reason. Louise couldn't think why they would do that, though. It was driving her crazy, and Louise lifted the blanket to see what they had done to her. Before she checked, it dawned on her; they had obviously removed her liver! Of course! She would have been unaware and unable to do anything due to the anaesthetic; it was the perfect crime!

But when she lifted the blanket, and her nightgown, she found only a small patch of dressing, with a thin tube protruding from it, and she frowned in confusion. Curious, she pressed down on her stomach next to the dressing, and immediately regretted it. Pain coursed through her body, and she cringed, screwing up her face and clenching her fists.

   "Hey, what is this?" she called to the nearby nurse, when the pain had subsided.

   "What?" asked Lucy, and Louise pointed to the tube. "It's called a catheter."

   "Well, I don't like it. What's it for?" Louise tried to be her usual self; she couldn't let the nurses know that she was onto them.

   "It's so you can go to the bathroom without getting up."

   "What?!" Louise hadn't expected that. "Why do I need it?"

   "Well, you've just had major surgery, plus you have a broken ankle. It's going to be difficult for you to get up and move about. We put this in last week, when you couldn't wake up. When you're able to stand, we'll take it out."

Louise wasn't sure if she believed the nurse; it was too easy. She was sure they had taken out her liver. She knew that the patch of dressing was covering up stitches, and she reached down, and tried to peel one corner back. "Oh, no," came Lucy's voice, her hand gently closing over Louise's. "You mustn't do that."

   "I just wanna see."

   "No, Louise. It's fine."

Louise replaced the blanket and huffed. She heard Lucy telling her to try and sleep, but she didn't want to. For one, she was in too much pain, and, two, if she fell asleep, what if they did more surgery on her? What else would they take? Her kidneys? Her lungs? Besides, she kind of wanted her parents to see her in pain; then they would realise that the surgery was a bad idea, and it should never have been done. That would show them.

She was still awake when Bob arrived, a little after 9pm.

   "Louise, what are you still doing up?" he asked, sitting down next to her bed. She was tired, he could tell by the bags under her eyes.

   "I'm not tired," she lied. Bob knew she was lying, but he decided not to mention this.

   "Are you in any pain?" he asked, and she shook her head, again lying. "You're not? That's great. You should try and get some sleep, then." He paused, noticing the look she was giving him, like she didn't trust him. "What?"

   "Oh, nothing. Why do you all want me to sleep so badly?"

   "Because you're a little girl, you've had surgery, and you're tired," Bob pointed out.

   "I'm not tired! It's just..." Louise paused, wondering if she could trust him. She felt like he knew about the plan to take her kidneys, but he was her dad; he should put a stop to it. But he had already let them take her liver. Well, maybe she could get him to stop them from taking her kidneys.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now