A Cry in the Park - Part 6

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Chapter 6

The story of a little girl trapped eighty feet underground, after having been pushed into an abandoned well, was travelling fast. By Saturday evening, it had spread far and wide throughout New Jersey. It was by no means a breaking story, but it was featured on the evening news on major news stations throughout the city. It seemed that soon everybody in New Jersey knew about the girl in the well.

It had quickly become common knowledge that nine-year-old Louise Belcher had been pushed into a well on Friday evening and remained trapped eighty feet underground; it had also become widely known that a teenage boy had pushed her, but it was still unknown what injuries she had. It had been known from the beginning that there a had been a cave-in, leaving Louise partially buried, and "one wrong move, and that little girl's gonna be buried alive," as Chief Richards had put it.

The video clips of Bob jumping into the drilling rig, snapping at the police and firemen, plus kneeling next to the well, and talking to his daughter, had been broadcast on several news stations around New Jersey. Many parents sympathised with him and felt his frustration and helplessness, which was enough to keep the story in most newspapers. Unlike Seymour's Bay, where the ongoing operation was constantly on the television news; in the big cities it would be briefly mentioned during the evening news, as quite a few journalists felt that it was pointless reporting when nothing major was happening. There was really not a lot more they could say other than 'girl still trapped in well; rescue workers are still digging.'

However, in Seymour's Bay, live updates were given what seemed like every hour to news stations all over the town, journalists were doing their best to get new information, and Olsen, being the first one there, had the fortune of being given the latest updates first, which she, in turn, would give to her boss.

Most reporters were reluctant to leave the site, as they feared that their places would be taken by the crowd of onlookers, but some of them, as they could not get any more information out of Bob and Linda, had gone to Ocean Avenue, in hopes of talking to some neighbours.

   "Oh, yeah, it's definitely tragic," said Jimmy Pesto, smoothing his hair back as he stood outside his restaurant. "She's a delightful kid; always in here, playing with my sons," he gestured behind him, smiling. Okay, it wasn't the truth, but it was good for business. "She just loves it in my restaurant, and I hope that they get her out soon."

   "Louise is my best friend after Andy!" squeaked Ollie, clutching his twin.

   "Louise is my best friend after Ollie!" Andy cried.

Mort was also interviewed.

   "Well, I just couldn't believe it," he'd said on Saturday evening. "I had no idea the well was there, and I can't believe she's still in there. I really hope they get her out of there soon."

The two teenage girls who had discovered Louise were interviewed, as well. Jenny and Shannon were standing together near the entrance to Wharf Park, while looking into the camera.

   "Well, we had just been to see a movie," said Jenny, "and we wanted to go down to the pier, and so we took a shortcut through the park. I could hear this high-pitched screaming, and I thought it was a fox or something, so we started looking."

   "Jenny found the well, and the sound was coming from there, so she called down," said Shannon. "And we heard a voice, and I was, like, so shocked; I couldn't believe it. Louise told us where her dad worked and she said to go and get him. Jenny ran over there, and I stayed with Louise and called the fire department."


A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now