A Cry in the Park - Part 31

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   "Hey, guys," said Regular-sized Rudy, as they walked through the corridors. "Are you excited for the field trip next week?"

   "I'm excited for anything that gets me out of this hell hole," said Louise, stopping off at her locker.

   "Heyy, Rudy!" came a high-pitched whine, and Louise groaned. If she could just push Chloe Barbash off a cliff, then she could die happy.

   "Oh, hey, Chloe."

   "Now, Rudy, I want you to be careful on that trampoline, okay? We need you at school," she laughed, an annoying, tinkly laugh that made Louise want to punch her in the face.

   "Rudy's not made of glass, Chloe. He can handle a trampoline." Actually, he probably couldn't, but Chloe didn't need to know that.

   "Oh, Louise, I didn't see you there," Chloe said, in her sickly sweet 'look-at-me-I'm-super-nice' voice. "Well, well, it's great to see you walking so well."

   "Why wouldn't I be?" Louise bared her teeth in what she hoped was a smile.

   "Didn't you have amputations, or was that just a crazy rumour?"

Louise laughed, surprised at herself at how bitter it sounded.

   "Do I look like I've had amputations? Do you see any fake legs?"

   "Oh, gosh, Louise, I'm just trying to make conversation. Don't be so grumpy. Maybe you just misheard." Chloe flounced off down the hallway, leaving Louise seething. By now, it was well known that she was partially deaf. While being moved to the front of the classes helped, being spoken to like she was stupid brought her anger to the surface. Just like in "SpongeBob" when everyone thought Sandy was dumb, and Patrick talked excruciatingly slowly to her. If one more person SPOKE – LIKE – THIS while talking to her, well, she couldn't be held responsible for her actions.

   "I don't know what's gotten into her lately," Rudy apologised. "She's been quite -"

   "Mean?" finished Tina.

   "A huge bitch?" Gene supplied.

   "If you wanna call it that," shrugged Rudy.

   "I would," muttered Louise.

Chloe had been unusually antagonistic towards Louise lately; Louise wasn't sure why, but she didn't appreciate it. Whether Chloe was jealous of the attention Louise had received, or maybe she was finally showing her true colours, Louise didn't like it. Perhaps a bucket of fish guts down the Barbash family chimney would be the ticket?

That day, Miss LaBonz appeared to be in a foul mood, in no mood to teach, and so she had stuck on a DVD for their English class. Not that Louise was complaining; TV was TV, and this meant no work. The film was some generic CGI kids movie, probably too young for them, but again, she wasn't about to complain.

She shifted in her chair as LaBonz put the DVD in. Even though it had been massively beneficial to her, she was none too pleased about being at the front of every class. She'd opted for the seat on the far left, so her good ear was facing the room. But it meant that couldn't plan anything; she was right in the line of fire. No passing notes, no pretending to do work; her teachers could see everything. Louise pursed her lips and gripped her pen; why couldn't she have some kind of earpiece, connected to the teachers? That way, she could remain at the back. She still wouldn't listen, but it was the principle.

   "Oh, Miss LaBonz?" Chloe thrust her hand in the air, causing both Louise and LaBonz to groan. "Aren't you going to put the subtitles on?"

   "Why would I do that?" the teacher grumbled.

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now