A Cry in the Park - Part 30

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Guess what? Only about 4 chapters to go on this! 
Also, I recently re-watched "Terminals of Endearment", and I just wanted to say that I wrote this before that episode came out; that's why Louise and Gene didn't get any wings. Maybe I'll go back and write a little scene, but I just wanted to let you guys know. 
Anyway, on with the story.

Louise, now 10, sat silently on the living-room sofa, waiting for the cameraman to finish setting up. Her parents were sat either side of her, and her siblings were at either end of the sofa.

While the lighting was being adjusted, Louise looked down at her feet, clad in black Mary Janes. For the first time in almost a year, she was sockless. Her new prosthetics were great; she loved them. Although, she hadn't yet got up the courage to walk around barefoot, but maybe she would in time.

   "We'll be ready in about five minutes," said Olsen Benner, who was sat off to the side, facing the camera.

   "Okay," replied Louise, not really caring. For the first time in a long time, she felt okay. Not happy, not sad, just okay, which was different. (Bob and Linda still hid her medication in her food, but she wasn't to know that.) But, it was helping her. Helping her enough to make her agree to Olsen Benner's request to a television interview to mark the one-year anniversary of her rescue. She'd also spoken to the Oceanside Times, but that was it. She didn't want a big fuss made.

   "All right, here we go," Olsen's voice brought her back to reality. She focused on the reporter as she began to speak into the camera, before turning to Louise.

It was a bizarre week for the little girl, who found herself rather deep in thought. That particular week of February, she kept thinking: "this time last year, everything was normal."  It was very strange to think that almost an entire year had passed. It felt as though it had been only a few months.

The next week, on Friday, the 21st of February, she was sat on the sofa with the rest of her family, waiting for her interview to be aired. It was to be an interview/long recap, and for some reason, her mother was insisting on taping it. Just like she insisted on keeping three fat scrapbooks full of all the news clippings she could find. Louise didn't see the point.

'This is it,' she thought. 'This is the last time I can say 'well, at least this time last year, everything was normal'.''  It was the moment her entire life changed.

   "It was a cool, clear, February evening,"  began Olsen's narration, over a sweeping shot of Seymour's Bay. "A day like any other. A nine-year-old girl named Louise Belcher, was walking through Wharf Park, on an errand for her father. But Louise was not a normal girl. She was being bullied, and her bully was a 15-year-old boy named Logan Bush."

The Belcher family watched silently as the programme continued. Louise wasn't really interested in watching it, and she wasn't sure why the rest of them wanted to. They'd all had front seat tickets, and she was the star, and they weren't going to learn anything new from this.

She was soon eating her words when the CCTV footage was played; she'd never seen that before. She knew that it had been played in court, but she had been too bored to pay attention to anything except the verdict.

It marked the first time any of the Belchers had seen any kind of footage of the ordeal, not counting the news reports the day Louise was rescued, or the CCTV footage. It was just as new to them as it was to her.

The screen then turned black, and the audio from the 911 call from Shannon, one of the girls who discovered Louise, began to play.

   "911, what's your emergency?"

A Cry in the Park - A Bob's Burgers fanfic - by BobsBurgersStories1Where stories live. Discover now