-Chapter 7-

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In the late Saturday evening, Felix entered the club along with Hyunjin, Jisung and Seungmin.

After he had spent the whole Saturday morning thinking about Chan and getting his dick hard just because of that, he had decided to ring his squad to go party.

He was wearing all black with a denim jacket just because he couldn't find his leather one, which really bothered him. For that evening he even had taken out one of his old golden chains and long earrings, accessories that made him remember those crazy times he has had while partying back in Australia. Yeah, he wanted to seem a baddie, he wanted to forget what Chan had made him do, he just wanted to fuck someone, anyone, in order to get Chan out of his head, because the thought of what he had done with one of his teachers was haunting him really bad. Not that he hadn't liked giving Chan a head, nor he hadn't enjoyed the man's lips on his skin, but that wasn't something he should have had with his teacher and he wanted to move on from that as fast as the light. Surely, if he had met Chan out of the school at this point he just would have started hitting on him hard, but that wasn't the case, so he just had to stick with his plan.

Nor Seungmin or Jisung spared a comment on Felix's look, but Hyunjin, on the other hand, wouldn't shut his mouth:

«What's wrong with you Felix? You had never pulled out such an outfit before» he smirked «You really want to get a girl for the night, don't you? Well, can't say yours is a wrong idea, I mean, we really have something to party about, don't we? Like dudes, we got hired to dance for one of the biggest groups of the whole goddamn industry in one of the biggest-ass shows of the whole fucking year» both Seungmin and Jisung clapped, slightly selfless «But it would be better if we just partied together as bros, leaving out strangers»

Felix rolled his eyes and thanked God that the music was so boosted that Hyunjin eventually stopped his solo chatting, unable to scream anymore. Still, he replied to his tall friend's second question, yelling in his ear:

«What makes you think that I don't wanna get a good dick?»

Hyunjin looked at him, shocked as fuck, his eyes wide open.

«Fuck yeah, finally some gay shit! Go and get 'em Lix!» he exclaimed then, throwing a punch to the sky.

Felix busted out laughing at his friend's reaction and then followed the other two to a quieter area. While passing in front of the bar counter he ordered some drinks, not really strong ones since he didn't want to get drunk. The sofas of the club were very comfortable, soft and hard at the same time. The drinks arrived quickly and the four boys spent a good hour talking to each other and drinking, at least until Jisung spotted a man.

Yeah, Jisung was gay, but a chill one, the type that had never gone out with a guy in his nineteen years of life. Felix and the others usually had to beg and drag him by the clothes if they wanted him to come along to a club, like it had happened that evening, so seeing Han Jisung whistle for then placing down his drink on the table, getting up from his spot and heading towards a man was a unique event.

And what a man!

He was about the same height and age as Chan, Felix guessed, and his looks were truly amazing. He had a perfect side profile and a good body with a pair of hot thighs. The body of a dancer. While Felix was thinking about this, Hyunjin yelled:

«Lee Minho!»

Felix and Seungmin immediately looked at him, confused as fuck. Did Hyunjin, by any chance, know that guy?

«Jisung is fucking going to get nothing less than Lee Minho right now... I can't believe it!» he exclaimed «I'm straight, but I know that guy's reputation: it's either Jisung's gonna be rejected on the spot or have the best night of his life. Besides that, you should know him too, Felix... that's Lee Know, BTS' most talented backup-dancer»

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