-Chapter 26-

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The photoshoot went on for more than forty-five minutes, during which Felix thought of fainting more than a few times. However, as Chan had predicted, the chair had turned out to be extremely useful in order to avoid dropping dead on the ground, especially when the two more outfits left had been revealed. Because alright, Felix could have handled well the see-through white shirt and long, elegant, white trousers, in contrast with Chan's black hair, if he had concentrated, but when the man had come out of the changing room with fucking wet hair, wearing a goddamn sailor uniform with the jacket completely open Felix had really thought of dying right on that spot. His habit of checking his pulse hadn't helped that much as well, since he had just made him more aware of the fact that a little bit more and his heart would have literally exploded... or that the heat would have tightened the crotch of his pants, which was not something good in that situation, rather really gay. Another thing to add to that forty-five-minute mix had been, of course, Chan's exasperating behavior. All the teasing, subtle flirting, long eye-contacts had contributed not so little to taking the boy right to the edge of the cliff. And he could do nothing to avoid it, he could just sit there and looked right at Chan, desperately trying to keep his cheeks from turning red.

Eventually, the last shot came and the director finally announced the end of the photoshoot. Chan bowed at ninety degrees multiple times, thanking everybody for their good work. He got a round of applause from the staff for doing that and Felix found it amazing to know how much the man was loved just for doing that simple thing, for caring for others. He remembered Lee Know's words all of a sudden, how the dancer had said that, no matter what, Chan was probably two times softer than Felix himself, which was a lot. The boy had never had the real chance to experiment Chan's true kindness, at least not in such an explicit way, so he couldn't help but let a little smile make its way over his freckled face.

Obviously, Chan noticed it, how could he not, and he made sure to return the smile as he stepped out, for the last time, of the camera's circle. However, his smile was kinda sad and detached, like he didn't really want to smile back at Felix, but he had to for some unknown reasons.

For the hundredth time in three weeks, the boy shoved into a corner of his mind the uneasiness he felt coming from Chan. It wasn't the time to take care of it, they were still ok, Chan was still an exasperating flirt with his never-ending teasing, they were ok. Or were they really?

Felix shook his head. They were. Moreover, it was time to get railed and he didn't want to mix bad and stupid feelings with it.

The blond took his chair back to the place where he had found it and then impatiently waited for Chan to be done changing, rhythmically tapping his foot onto the ground. His wait was rewarded by the sight of a Chan with his hair still moistened, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, make-up still on. He truly didn't care about his model image, as his manager had said, but that made him hotter, so Felix couldn't say he didn't mind. He put on a big smile and hopped closer, swinging his body like a child.

«You done?» he asked, tilting his head.

However, Chan didn't go further than a quick glance, immediately heading towards the ground floor, leaving even his manager behind, who didn't make a move in order to follow him. Felix frowned, but still hurried behind him, trying his best to keep up his pace. He didn't say a word while basically chasing Chan through the empty halls, however, like a tentacle, the uneasiness was slowly, yet leisurely, caging up his mind, infiltrating each of its corners and no matter how much he tried, this time it didn't back off.

The sudden feeling of fresh air on his face took him back to reality and he found himself out of the building, Chan already walking down his road, probably to his car.

«Chan wait for me!» the blond exclaimed, exasperated and with a childish voice.

Finally the man turned back, looking at him from above his shoulder.

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