-Chapter 30-

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Felix looked at himself in the mirror one last time, then he tried to walk out of his bedroom's door, but his eyes fell again on the mirror and he checked out his figure another time. He had been behaving like that for at least half an hour, unable to feel perfect and to leave his bedroom. He was very well aware of the fact that, if he pondered some more minutes, he would be going to run very late, but he couldn't really bring himself to like his appearance, although he had worked on it for hours.

To be fair, he had started preparing even the day before by applying a face mask and going to sleep early in order to avoid having puffy eyes in the morning. However, since he had overslept, his eyes had looked puffy anyways, so, despite his planning, he had eaten a good breakfast and then chilled on the sofa with another face mask on, which obviously had been stolen from his sister. For lunchtime, he hadn't been that puffy anymore so he had decided to eat just a little bit and then immediately go shower. He had occupied the bathroom for something like two hours, between showering and getting his make-up done. He had previously debated for long on what style to do and he had scrolled through thousands of Pinterest posts in order to find the perfect look, but, as he touched up his mascara one last time, he couldn't bring himself to be fully satisfied. The make-up per se was perfect, he had surpassed even his own skills really, but those freckles...! He had let them be in full display for once, putting on just a tiny bit of foundation, leaving it all to the contouring. He knew that showing them was the best thing he could do on that occasion, yet he felt like they belittled the rest of his face, the glittery brown eyeshadow and black eyeliner that enhanced his eyes and the soft pinkish tint that rested on his lips. As for the outfit... he had basically turned over his whole wardrobe, trying to find the best pieces of clothing. Useless to say, he wasn't satisfied even with that. He had decided to not wear clothes that were too baggy, so his usual oversized t-shirts had been a no-go from the start, but he also hadn't wanted to dress up too fancy, so he had eventually ended up with a pair of new sneakers, Jordan Air 4, black leather-like skinny jeans and a white shirt on which there was written "we're not responsible", ironically enough. He had changed a few times before deciding that that was the right outfit, yet there he still was, pacing his bedroom from the mirror to the door and back.

Why such a fuss though? Well, it had all started almost a week before, Jisung had gone to Chan's in the middle of the night to work on music with Chan and Changbin, so Felix had been covering him from his bedroom of course. They had been on a call, the blond gaming and the other working, occasionally talking about something, mostly related to Minho since Felix had been teasing Jisung non-stop ever since he had caught them and had made his best friend tell him everything. Eventually, Jisung had grown too tired to go on working, so Chan had sent him to sleep and had taken his place at the computer. Felix had gone on gaming and chatting blandly with the man for at least another hour before Changbin had fallen asleep as well, leaving the two of them alone. Progressively, their chat had grown more and more serious and Felix had been in the middle of challenging a particularly tough boss when the bomb had been dropped.

«Felix» Chan had called him, voice low in order to not wake the other two up.

«Mmmh» he had mumbled, not really listening.

«Would you... go out on a date with me?»

Felix's last character standing had died on the spot, declaring his defeat, as Felix's fingers had stopped flying on the keyboard.

«W-what?» he had stuttered, eyes widening.

«A date, with me... I mean, not like a date, like, hanging out, you know, like out, like not staying inside, at my place, like always... yeah it's not really a date, yeah, we- we already know each other so... but yeah, I mean, let's just hang out, yeah, grab something, I mean we can do whatev-»

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