-Chapter 22-

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Author's note

⟢➣ Alright, listen up folks, this is an important message.
I've never marked TET as a graphic fic and in my opinion this chapter isn't graphic either. However, excuse my complete crudeness, I think that the type of sexual activity described in this chapter, which is bondage and BDSM, could affect some readers and, even if not, it's not something as light as all the other times, so I'm here to put this reminder since I value your well-being. Now, after you finish reading this you'll probably think I'm being overdramatic (I probably am lmao!), but you never know ;>

Plus, as I mentioned, this chapter contains bondage and BDSM and I must tell you that I don't know much about those practices since I'm not in said communities nor I have ever researched well on the topics. So if you find something inaccurate I'm deeply sorry :<

Last but not least, I of course recommend listening to Red Lights while reading (I'm literally listening to it while revising mistakes lol) ;D


Felix rang the bell of Chan's apartment and then swung his body shily in front of the gate, expectant. Sure, he was excited about what was going to come, but that didn't mean he was confident about it. The choker's chains rubbed onto each other following his body movements. They were slightly cold against his skin, though it was half May, and Felix shivered, both for the sensation and the anticipation. Some second after, the gate buzzed open and he pushed it, making his way through the garden and the main door, up the stairs and, in the end, in front of Chan's door, which was unlocked. Felix shoved the knob and entered the apartment, that was oddly silent. To be honest, Chan's apartment was noiseless most of the time since the man lived alone, but that time was a little bit different. Felix shrugged at himself, blaming his overly-excited brain, and took off his shoes, stepping further into the apartment. Chan wasn't in the living room, nor in the kitchen. The blond quickly glanced at the bathroom and then at the bedroom and decided that no, he wasn't brave enough to go and check into those rooms. Still, there weren't other options left. Chan could have been out as well, since Felix hadn't taken the time to warn him about the hour he was coming because the man had already given out an hour the day before, though the blond didn't think it was the case. Honestly, who would go out before having some rough sex? Besides, that would have meant that Chan hadn't been the one opening the doors for him, meaning that it would have been Meeyon, meaning that she would have seen him going to Chan's another time.

Felix was still thinking about a solution, standing still in the middle of the living room, when his eyes spotted a plain sage green door, perfectly blended with the wall. The music studio's door. The boy glanced another time at the bedroom and, when it remained silent, he stepped closer to the studio's door, debating whether he should have knocked or not. In the end, he did not, deciding to surprise the man, although he was the one who had opened the gate for him, or, at least, that was what he hoped. He gently rotated the knob and opened the door, peaking in with his head. He was greeted by Chan's broad back, covered in a black hoodie. A pair of black headphones were covering his ears and his fingers were flying on the keyboard, adjusting a beat here, inserting an instrument there, sometimes casually pressing some buttons on the sound tab, trying to come together with a pretty decent track. Felix tiptoed into the room, not that Chan would have noticed him even if he had stomped at every step, and, with a giggle, he pressed himself onto Chan's back, covering his eyes with his hands for a moment. Chan snorted, amused, and, after saving and closing the project, he made his chair spin, facing Felix and taking off his headphones. He barely had the time to leave them on the table that the blond shoved himself on top of him, the chains of his choker dangling onto each other.

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