-Chapter 48-

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That morning, everyone was fussing, although each for different reasons. The only one who was somewhat calm in the Lee household was Olivia, who had conveniently decided to rise earlier than everyone else, so she wouldn't have gotten in Felix's way. To be honest, Felix wasn't even the most jittery one out of all of them, his mother most likely taking the first place, although he couldn't deny being that less excited and nervous himself. It was going to be a big day after all, and certainly not because of a piece of paper, or because his high school days were finally finished. In truth, him being finally done with high school was the highlight of the day, but not in the way all of the other students felt about it too. Finishing high school only meant one thing for Felix: Chan. Yes, because after neverending months of ups and downs, of passionate sex and tender kisses kept in the dark, that day Chan would have finally stopped being his English teacher just to still stay by his side, but as his boyfriend. Naturally, it wasn't like they were just going to announce it that day, but it was nice, knowing that the play had finally ended, the curtains were about to close and they could take off their masks and finally be themselves.

Nice, yes, but still rather nerve-wracking, the jitters growing with every minute passing. He forced himself to stay calm, however, as he uncapped his eyeliner pen, the black tip looking at him, ready to mess up his make-up. It was already fairly too rushed for his liking, but there was little he could do about it and one of those things was not messing it up with the last step. So, carefully, he traced the lines on his face, which came out as good as they could and, finally, he sprinted out of the bathroom, leaving the sink full of his make-up products. He would have put them away that evening, for sure. Well, perhaps the following morning, or afternoon. Whenever Chan would have been done with wrecking him, there.

«Felix, come here, I've ironed your uniform! Come, dress up, we don't have much time!» his mother exclaimed, basically waving his uniform in front of him, not a wrinkle or a stain on it.

Truly, Felix was astonished that not even a drop of cum had ever dirtied it beyond repair, for how much had been spilled. He tried to repress a giggle as he slid into his pants, but he mustn't have done a good job, because his mother eyed him, wary, afraid that the nerves were getting to him.

«I'm good» he reassured her, putting on his button-up «It's going to be all good»

At that, she started muttering encouraging words back at him, although he didn't bother to register them, as she buttoned his shirt up, leaving him with nothing to do. Olivia threw him an amused glance from her position on the couch, to which he replied with a glare. Soon enough, however, his mother was done, having knotted his tie for him as well, and he was able to wear his jacket for the last time, his fingertips lingering on the material he had worn for the past three years. He couldn't have been more ready than that, but it still made him feel a bit dejected. It was a big chunk of his life that was going away, just like that. In the end, as much as he despised it, he had met Chan through that high school, and nothing could have topped that.

The car ride to his school was full of nervous chatter, to which Felix didn't pay attention, focused solely either on the scenery outside of the window or his phone.


[ will you steal me away right after? :3 ]
07:18 a.m.

[ Stop asking chick, focus on your day ahead ]
07:18 a.m.

[ you are part of my day ahead, bubby ;> ]
07:18 a.m.
[ will you just kiss me in front of everyone? :33 ]
07:18 a.m.

[ Love are you even ready yet ]
07:19 a.m.

[ stop being a cunt >:/ ]
07:19 a.m.
[ just tell me ]
07:19 a.m.
[ im in the car ]
07:19 a.m.

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