-Chapter 34-

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Not even to say, Felix was proud to have managed to get out of bed at five a.m. after such a night, snuck into his house at six and a half and out of there at seven without none of his family members noticing. He had even managed to get to school earlier than usual, though he wasn't proud of that as, out of all his friends, only Seungmin was there at that hour, studying at the morning session, and he didn't want to study, even if that meant spending time with him. So, he was now in the school's garden, seated on a bench, mindlessly kicking the ground with one foot, bored. He didn't want to go and bother Chan, the man had seemed quite tired, so he just sat there, staring at the school's fence and at Seoul's landscape behind it. He hoped Jisung would have come soon, so that he could have wished him a happy birthday and teased him on the fact that he was officially twenty. As a matter of fact, Felix would have turned twenty as well the day after, but just because of that stupid Korean age. He was turning nineteen, in fact, not twenty, that was it.

Some minutes later more people finally started to come in, many of them choosing to stay in the garden as the weather was still very warm. It wasn't hard for Felix to spot Jisung's brown and fluffy head among the crowd of students entering and he quickly got up, rushing towards him. He slapped his hands on the other's shoulders from behind, startling him to death, and yelled:

«Happy birthday Ji!»

Jisung turned towards him, blush on his cheeks and eyes wide. The blond sometimes forgot that his best friend hated the attention that a crowd of people could give him.

«Lix not in front of everyone» he nagged in fact, teary.

«I'm sorry, I'm sorry» Felix giggled, patting his shoulders.

«You aren't really, but that's fine, you're my best friend, I forgive you» Jisung rolled his eyes, although the blond knew he wasn't annoyed at all.

Next to each other, they walked into the school, chatting about common things.

«What did your parents gift you?» Felix asked.

He had overheard from Mrs. Han that the present was something worth a lot, so he was really curious about what it could have been. His best friend's eyes sparkled as he talked, a beautiful gummy smile on his lips, a sign that he had liked it a lot.

«My family gave me a guitar, like a real one. It's not an electric one, it's like, you know, those brown ones that produce such sweet sounds, the... the normal ones, you got me, right? I really love it, I still didn't have the chance to try it, but I will this afternoon. I might ask Chan-hyung to teach me a bit, I'd love to learn how to use it well. I wanna compose songs with that and sing them along with the notes and... oh I'm sorry, I'm rambling, right?»

Felix shook his head, delighted. He would have listened to Jisung going on like that for ages just for the sake of his happiness, even though he perfectly knew what a guitar was or what sounds it made. They smiled at each other, entering their classroom, and they sat down at their desks, ready to resume the conversation.

«And what about Minho-hyung?» Felix wiggled his eyebrows, now smirking.

Jisung glared at him, smacking his knee, but then his expression dropped and the blond got confused for a second. Had perhaps something happened between the two? It would have been strange, they got along very well despite Minho's quirks.

«Minho-hyung... we chatted yesterday evening, but he had to go to practice so we stopped and then this morning... he didn't write anything, so I suppose he's still sleeping, it's fine» he said with a tone that screamed that he wasn't fine at all.

Felix frowned, bothered. Minho was an odd guy, but overall good, plus he was dating Jisung so there was no way he would have forgotten his birthday, right? After all, the blond had constantly reminded him about it for two weeks straight, so it was impossible. Yet, he couldn't help but worry about the situation.

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