-Chapter 45-

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Felix was in the middle of undressing when his phone started ringing from where he had left it, next to the sink. With a groan, and one leg still into his pants, he jumped to it, however his mood brightened when he saw the ID.

«Hey Channie» he voiced happily, accepting the call and putting it on speakerphone so that he could have gone on undressing to get into the shower «What's wrong, can't make it? Or are you chickening out?»

«No it's just...» the man trailed off on the other side of the line before a loud thud could be heard «Do you have a board?» he went on, huffing.

Felix lifted his head, cocking an eyebrow at the phone even though the other couldn't see him «Chan of course I have a board, I was the one who proposed to surf in the first place... if you're asking for a spare one though, I'll have to check»

«No, not a surfboard, a skateboard I mean» Chan precised.

«Oh... then I don't think so, I wasn't much of a skater boy back in the days... why though?» the blond questioned, puzzled.

A pause, and Felix was almost sure the other was shaking his head «Don't worry, you'll see... text me your address?»

«Text you my... Chan what are you planning?» he inquired, suspicious.

«Again, don't worry, you'll see... just do it and trust me» Chan simply replied, still rustling to find whatever he was searching.

He arched one eyebrow, the hint of a smile on his lips «Did you just rhyme?»

The boy could basically see the man rolling his eyes «Lix...»

«Fine, fine, jeez, I'll send it to you right now... just, whatever you wanna do, don't come too soon, I'm getting into the shower now»

There was a short pause, then «Wait, you're naked right now?» Chan inquired, a little too expectant.

Felix hung up on him with a snort, feeling way too fond than he should have. He still texted him the address though, and maybe also a mirror pic that teasingly showed his abs down to his v-line, the rest hidden by the sink, before finally stepping under the chill steam, as it was a very hot day. As much as he was suffering from the heat, he was already dreading Seoul's coldness. He swatted away the thought quickly, not particularly inclined on dwelling on something as depressing as that. Instead, he focused on his plans for the day as he covered himself with vanilla-scented soap, hoping Chan was going to like it. He and the latter had planned to go surf at Bondi Beach that day, or rather Felix had scheduled them to do so, and he was rather excited. He had already gone surfing a bunch of times with his friends ever since he had landed, but with Chan everything was bound to be different, especially considering that he could've looked at him shirtless and wet the whole time. A lot of time could have passed, but Felix didn't think he was ever going to not drool over how fit and ripped the other was, especially since he displayed all of that fiercely and proudly. Already savoring the taste of the ocean and Chan's lips, he let cold water wash over him, eager for his man to come and pick him up.


Felix didn't even have to wait for his phone to ding with an incoming text, because he saw Chan coming from a mile away. He spotted him immediately as he turned into his street, a figure dressed all in black, a snapback worn backwards and sunglasses, speeding down the road on his skateboard, holding a white surfboard and another skateboard under his arm and a small backpack hanging from one of his shoulders. With a small gasp of excitement and a silly smile on his lips, Felix jumped down from the windowsill of his bedroom and grabbed his backpack from his bed while skipping through and then his bucket hat and sunglasses, to shield himself from the burning Sun. He had left the board near the front door, so he ran down the stairs, jumping the last steps and landing with a loud thud on the marble floor.

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