-Chapter 16-

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Another week had passed since Chan and Felix's last fuck. It had been a usual and boring school week, the two of them had kept it quiet and just had some make out sessions after, once even before, the English class. No one suspected anything, so Felix had also less fear towards that thing he had with Chan, which couldn't really be called relationship.

All those things apart, it was now Saturday again and Felix was getting ready to see Chan. It was impossible for them to have sex during the week, due to Felix's training, so the only time they could see each other was at the weekend and in the afternoon, since Felix was still unable to go party. The blond sighed, checking out himself in the mirror. The outfit was ok, a big hoodie and some skinny jeans, however he was debating on wearing make-up or not. He knew Chan didn't like it, yet he didn't want to go outside completely barefaced, so, for the first time, he tried out a medium cover-up make-up, applying enough foundation for his freckles to be visible from close but not from afar. He nodded at himself in the bathroom's mirror then, after putting on a bit of dark red eyeshadow and some light lip gloss, he stepped out of the bathroom, getting to his room for picking up a small backpack with his phone and wallet inside. He didn't bother to ask Jisung to cover him that time, since, on Monday, they had agreed to have each other's back even without really knowing where the other was. That deal was easy to respect, Jisung rarely got out of his house and the only reason Felix was hanging out at that moment could only be because of Chan.

He walked 'till the front door, greeting his sister, Olivia, who was watching something on the tv and heading out of the house with his other sister, Rachel, who was going out as well, probably on a date.

«You're going to Jisung's right? Want a ride?» she asked, taking out her car keys.

«No sis I'm fine, I'll catch a bus»

«I have to go in that direction for a bit, so I'll just leave you before»

«I'm fine, Jisung will have to watch his anime 'till four or so, so there's no point in getting there early»

«Alright, get there safe» she smiled before entering her car.

However, after a few moments, her head came out of the window.

«You're not secretly dating him right?»

«Rachel! He's my damn best friend, not my ideal type!» Felix protested, making her laugh.

«Just checking» Rachel apologized and then drove off, leaving the blond alone.

He sighed, shaking his head. Yeah, his whole family knew he was bisexual and actually his parents were pretty ok with it just because there were still some possibilities that he could end up with a girl, although they had never said it out loud. Also, he had never dated a guy, so it was obvious for them to think it was just a phase or something like that. However, Chan could have been a phase, rather he surely was, but he was still a guy and, while experiencing things with him, Felix had really started to believe that he was more into boys than girls.

He shook his head another time and then started walking to the bus stop, ready to get to Chan's place and have fun.


As this time he knew the right rides to take, in something like half an hour he was in front of the building where Chan lived and, as the Saturday before, he ringed his bell, patiently waiting for him to reply and ready to ring a few times more already. However, unlikely the last time, the gate opened without a word from anyone as well as the front door. A little bit confused and alarmed, Felix walked through the small garden and entered the building, just to find Meeyon standing in the hall.

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