-Chapter 43-

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«No, I will not allow you to dress up as you want, you'll go for black and we don't want that» Felix stated, sitting on Chan's closed suitcase «We literally went shopping to prevent something like this happening»

«Come on chick, black is fancy» Chan tried to argue, poorly.

The blond groaned, throwing his head back «We're going to a fucking gay club Chan, not to a restaurant, you need to be flashy as fuck, you should know better than me»

It was the first of January and indeed they were going out clubbing, as it was an activity they had never done before, save for that infamous evening when they had started hooking up. They hadn't passed New Year's Eve together, as their families had whisked the both of them away from each other, albeit unknowingly, but they had already planned to go out that evening, as Felix had caught wind of a famous DJ that Chan quite liked playing music at a popular gay club. He knew that club just from word, as the few times he had gone to such places, only two to be honest, he had always gone to smaller and more reserved ones, as Jayden had preferred like that, but everyone had talked highly of it, so he was fairly excited. Even a bit too much excited, maybe, mostly because he wasn't used to having Chan around so much and not being able to do anything or, at least, to look forward to doing anything. So, he had some steam, if not a lot, to get out of his system that night, but the man wasn't cooperating, wanting to wear black for the umpteenth time.

«Going to gay bars in Korea it's not that great, lemme tell you» Chan stated.

Felix stood up from the suitcase, waving his hands around «Whatever, all black is not allowed»

«Fine» the man gave up «Go on» he allowed, sitting on the bed.

«Thank you, you can go shower while I work on this» the blond suggested, turning his back to him and crouching next to the bags that still contained all the stuff they had bought a few days prior.

Chan furrowed his brows «Are you dismissing me?»

Felix giggled, turning his head and wiggling his eyebrows «You better go Channie»

The other rolled his eyes, fond «Fine, fine, Jesus»

After a short sigh, the boy heard him make his way towards the door, getting out of the room and leaving him alone. Smiling slightly, he started to rummage through the bags, trying to create some outfits with the clothes that he remembered. He decided to go for black pants, something that Chan usually wore, so to not make him too uncomfortable, and that was still suited for the place they were going to go to. They weren't too tight, but it was fine as the blond recalled they had done wonders to the man's ass. Now, the upper part was a bit of a problem. He didn't want to make use of the white silk button-up yet, it would have gotten dirty very easily and the other would have sweated a lot into it, but he also didn't want to use too bright colors, so red was out of the picture. As his rummaging started to become a little anxious, his fingers came in contact with a watery fabric, satin, his mind supplied as he took the button-up out of the bag. He remembered it, he had purposefully taken an even bigger size so that it would have embraced Chan's shoulders and biceps nicely without getting too tight and it would have fallen over his abdomen like running water, just as the fabric suggested. It was a nice color as well, aquamarine, dim enough for the man's liking but still light to create contrast with his dark hair and black pants. Finally satisfied with the clothes, he hunted through Chan's few accessories, choosing the chain necklace he had gifted him, a cross necklace, longer than the other one, and, from his stock however, he took out a pearl necklace, which was tight enough to be a choker, and a few other silverish ones, just because the outfit he was planning to wear didn't leave much space for necklaces, whereas Chan's, accompanied with the man's fear buttoning up shirts, was perfect for them.

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