-Chapter 39-

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To say that Felix was buzzing with nervous energy would have been an understatement. He was completely, utterly drowning in his anxiety, bouncing his feet on the ground while waiting for his teacher to handle them their first exam paper. Surely enough, they were starting with Korean, which was both the worst and the best thing: on one hand, after that first exam, the others would have been way less frightening and way more easy, on the other, if he ended up screwing that paper his mood would have dropped significantly. Both Chan and his friends had done their best to soothe and encourage him, but it all meant nothing when his teacher left the exam on his desk, turned over so that all he could see was a blank page. From beside him, Jisung tried to get his attention, shooting him a thumbs up, but Felix found it difficult to even reply with a trembling smile.

After that, everything was a blur.

Once he finally got out of the room, Felix didn't manage to remember any of the questions nor his replies, and thank God because all his classmates were already checking them between each other and he didn't want to know what was right and what was wrong. The only firm point in that whole deal was that, at least in his opinion, he had done well enough to pass and it was all he wanted to know. He didn't care about getting a high score in order to be able to get admitted to one of the top Universities, something average would have been good as well. As he took a few steps into the hallway, he spotted Jisung resting against the opposite wall, waiting for him.

«Hey Ji» he called, getting closer to his best friend.

«Lix!» the other lifted his eyes from his phone «How did it go?»

The blond frowned «I hope well... I think well enough to pass»

«That's all that matters, I as well» Jisung stated, pocketing his phone and straightening himself «Wanna go grab something?»

«Shouldn't we get home to revise for tomorrow?»

His best friend shot him a glare «Absolutely not, I've already given enough in the past weeks, it'll go as it'll have to go»

«You have a point»

«Of course I do»

The corners of Jisung's mouth curled as they made their way through the hallways, grinning at Felix's statement. The latter shoved him away, scoffing lightly, but they both ended up giggling a few seconds later.

«Do you perhaps know if Seungmin and Hyunjin have finished their exam as well?» Felix then asked, fixing his backpack on his shoulders.

«For what concerns me, they can go home and study» Jisung huffed, crossing his arms.

The blond rolled his eyes at that. Indeed, his best friend was still pissed about what had happened earlier that month to him and Chan. Felix himself wasn't mad, he had actually never been mad at his two friends for what they had tried to do, he understood their curiousness, so he really couldn't get why Jisung couldn't get over it. He and Chan were alright, maybe a little bit more distant than before, but they certainly didn't like each other less, their slight separation was just a necessary move, yet his best friend seemed to have taken that shift to the core. Openly he wasn't treating Hyunjin or Seungmin any different, he wasn't supposed to know anything more than the foiled prank after all, but he was indeed ditching every occasion they had to go out, or better study, together. The blond had tried to talk it out, but the other had just asked him to drop it, not giving out any reason for his annoyance towards their two friends, and so Felix let him be. Until now actually, since he was starting to get fed up with the whole deal.

«Honestly, I don't know why you're keeping this up» he crossed his arms as well, frowning.

«And I don't know why you are not» Jisung replied, tilting his head «They could've ruined you, and if not, surely your relationship with Chan-hyung would have been compromised... it was compromised, as a matter of fact»

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