-Chapter 13-

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The hickeys were still visible when Felix stepped into the school on Monday morning. The shirt's collar of the uniform covered them summarily, but a sharp eye could have noticed them straight away. He didn't want that to happen, so he quickly reached his classroom and sat on his desk, waiting for Jisung to appear.

But that morning his best friend was late, so the first person who greeted him properly was Soojin, who had, indeed, a sharp eye.

«Hey bi-boy!» she exclaimed as always, standing right in front of his desk.

«'Morning, gossip-girl» Felix mocked back, smiling.

«Had fun last weekend?» she asked, smirking and pointing with her head at the hickeys on his neck.

«Quite a lot yeah» the blond replied with the same tone.

Soojin let out a sound of wonder, sitting on the chair of the desk in front of Felix's one, which, to be clear, was hers.

«A boy or a girl? Come on, tell me!» she lifted her eyebrows.

Luckily, at that exact moment, Jisung showed up, still drowned in his usual mask and beanie. He seemed quite tired, like he had gone to bed too late the night before, yet quite excited.

«Here comes the shy squirrel» Soojin joked, greeting him.

«Oh, hi Soojin... what were you and Felix talking about?» Jisung inquired, sitting down right next to Felix.

«He was about to tell me with who he slept... I was willing to know it before that bitch of Hyunjin» she replied, crossing her arms.

«Date him» the September Twins affirmed in chorus after glancing at each other.

«Gross!» she busted out «He's a fuckboy with an enormous body count, plus he whines more than an old sex-deprived witch» she stated.

«But he's handsome» Felix pointed out.

«And hot» Jisung added.

«And sexy»

«And he always knows the best rumors»

«Oh my God, stop!» she cut them off, rolling her eyes.

«Come on Soojin, your matters are poor, I'm a fuckboy too, but you like me» the blond argued.

«I like you as a friend, and I tolerate Hyunjin as a friend, but if I had to date, it'd be someone like Jisung, a hundred percent sure»

"There she said it as well" Felix thought.

«I'm gay» Jisung stated instead, whispering «You'd date someone who's gay?»

«For the love of my fucking God» she whined «Someone with your personality, are you that dumb or just annoying?»

«I'd go with the first, it has eighty-seven percent of probability to be true» the blond affirmed.

The other two both frowned at him, one angrily and the other puzzled. However, none of the two had the opportunity to add some more, since the math teacher stepped into the classroom, asking everyone to get to their seats.

Felix silently sighed in relief after Soojin turned at the whiteboard. He had managed to gather some more time to think about what answer to the question about his hickeys. God, next time he had to make sure Chan wouldn't do something like that again.


The afternoon, along with the English class, came as quick as always, that day maybe even faster as Felix was both afraid of facing Soojin and Hyunjin at the same and willing to see Chan. The last regular bell had just ringed, but both he and Jisung were already sprinting down the hall, heading outside the school. Felix had decided, in the past hours, to avoid his friends and their questions as much as he could, so he had asked Jisung to stay a little bit more after school with him, just to let those thirty minutes that separated him from the class pass better.

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