-Chapter 41-

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«Channie!» Felix laughed joyfully as he skipped towards Chan in a child-like manner that was too endearing for the latter's own good.

He was dressed up to the nines, in Felix's style however, meaning that he was sporting a hue-of-blue button-up with puffed sleeves, with basically all the buttons undone because of the heat, tucked into a pair of high-waisted white shorts that reached a bit up his knees, his always-present white Nike Air Force at his feet. Around his neck he had a pearls necklace that sparkled under the early afternoon's sunlight, almost rivaling the brightness that the boy's smile was, and from his ears a pair of long earrings dangled down. Opposing to that, Chan, obviously, was wearing sporty black, tank top and gym shorts. However, style didn't matter anymore as Felix got closer.

«Hey Lix» the man greeted him, taking him into his arms «How are you?»

The blond only giggled, snuggling his face into Chan's chest before lifting it up and placing a kiss right on the other's lips, in public. Chan's ears combusted.

«Chick we're in public what are you doing?!» he hissed after some seconds of pure astonishment, no real bite into his words.

«Who cares, we're not in Korea, it's not like someone relevant knows us» Felix beamed.

At that display of happiness and freckles, whatever complaint Chan had flew out of the window and he leaned down, reciprocating with a quick peck that brought another blinding smile on the blond's lips.

«Happiness looks so good on you Lix» he stated, smiling as well.

«Mmmh...» the other mumbled, sliding his hand into Chan's one «It's 'cause for once we can be together without caring about prying eyes»

The man's heart made a weird flip at that, a pleasant one. His boy was definitely right.

They had finally been able to meet up, even if Chan had been in Sydney already for a few days. They had both been busy with their things, friends and family and Christmas celebrations, but, as always, the separation only seemed to make the reunion sweeter. As much as they would have loved to spend some time alone to catch up and share loving kisses, that day they hadn't met up for a date. They were going to go somewhere together, but it couldn't be called a dare, since they were going to meet some important people.

«Shall we go?» he asked, starting to pull Felix in a certain direction.

«If I have to be honest, I'm scared shitless, but fine» the blond complied, easily falling into steps with him.

«They'll love you» Chan reassured him and, really, he seemed fairly sure about it.


The house was clean white, standing in a very nice and open area, the kind that made people question if it really was part of a big city, much like Felix's neighborhood, and it was quite big, or so it seemed. Felix was fairly scared, so probably he wasn't that good of a judger at that moment. Rationally, he knew he had nothing to dread, even just by considering the man that was standing at his side, but those kinds of things were intimidating by default. With a smile and a comforting hand on his lower back, Chan invited him to move forward, to the front door. The man didn't even knock, it was his family's house after all, just straight up opened the massive wooden door with a spare key. As soon as he did so, a white and brown tornado jumped on him, barking loudly.

«Berry! Hi Berry! Hi! Who's the prettiest? You Berry! Hi princess!»

For a moment, Felix didn't manage to understand who was talking, because the voice was so childish and high-pitched that not even in a million years it could have belonged to Chan.

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