-Chapter 42-

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Felix awoke feeling very groggy, a pair of strong arms secured around his middle. For once, the sun wasn't shining right on his eyelids, which confused his sleep-hazed mind, as he was sure that it was Chan's body the one pressed against his and sleeping in Chan's arms without the sun waking him up wasn't contemplated. Then his mind cleared up a bit and memories started flooding into it: sunrise from a plane, his old room, his Australian friends and... Chan's family.

With a bolt of adrenaline, he jolted up on the bed, the blankets falling over his legs. Indeed, the room was quite unfamiliar, not Chan's and certainly not his.

«Oh goddamn fucking shit, what the hell happened?!» he cried out, fidgeting around.

The arms that were still secured around his waist dragged him down under the blankets and Chan snuggled his face into the crook of his neck.

«Will you ever stop screeching in the morning?» he asked, voice low and hazy.

Felix decided to ignore the heat that started pooling in his stomach just because of that tone.

«Please just tell me if I embarrassed myself»

«You didn't and we didn't do anything as well, you just slumped on my shoulder at one a.m. as we were sitting in the backyard, so I simply took you to bed. It's the guest room»

The blond hid his face into the pillow at the revelation, cheeks burning «You should've awoken me, like this I overstepped my boundaries as a guest and-»

«Chick what the fuck are you talking about, you're with me, mine, so go back to sleep already» Chan grumbled, still half-asleep and completely unaware of how much his words had flustered the other.

The boy didn't utter a word more, nor went back to sleep thanks to the man, instead lulled him back into his dreams through cuddles. Quietness, however, didn't last much. Felix heard stomping outside at some point, but decided to ignore it in favor of petting Chan's unruly morning curls. He couldn't really shut it out of his mind however when the door flew open, accompanied by Hannah's voice:

«I hope you're not doing something nasty cuz I'm about to come in and if you are stop»

A few seconds passed, in which the blond saw his entire existence flashing before his eyes. They weren't doing anything, but it was still embarrassing, as he was literally squished into Chan's grip with his hands into his hair. He tried to say something or at least compose himself, but nothing worked.

«You're not sucking faces are you? Cuz I'm covering my eyes and I can't see shit, so I'd like to at least know if I can remove my hand without having to spray holy water in my eyes afterwards»

Felix felt the grip around his waist tighten and he could tell it was about to go down. Chan was a morning person, after all it was a blessing if he slept more than three hours each night, but the boy could also proudly say that, when they slept together, the man simply became a big baby and never wanted to leave the bed. Even though he wasn't sleeping, he just wanted to lay in peace while holding him close.

«What the fuck do you want Hannah?» he rumbled, not even opening his eyes.

«It's eleven and mum is wondering if you two lovey-dovey sleepyheads want to come down for lunch any soon»

«Get the fuck out» Chan replied, snuggling into Felix's chest.

Instead, the latter smiled at the girl, who was shooting daggers at the man's bare back, and, having finally retrieved his voice, said:

«We'll be down soon, thank you for your kindness and for letting me stay the night, please refer it to your brother and parents as well if I won't be able to catch them»

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