-Chapter 25-

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Although it was the middle of July, that day Seoul was gray and cool like late Fall. Huge clouds full of rain were thickening up in the sky and a cold breeze coming from the ocean was sweeping the streets, raising dust. Everyone was looking up at the sky occasionally, praying for another hour or two of quietness, depending on their business. Like every time the weather was starting to get terrible, the traffic was increasing, sounds of horns, alarms going off and engines roaring filling the air.

However, at that moment, Felix thought that nothing could ruin that day, though he was drowned in a big gray hoodie and wearing long tight jeans and he was fighting the human stream of people walking on the sidewalk to get to Chan's shooting in time. He wasn't that late, he was just... late. The shooting should have started five minutes before and he was still ten minutes away from the building. He groaned, exasperated, and tried to speed up his pace, sliding between the people. Nothing could ruin that day but get there too late. Chan was already off, kinda cold and moody, so arriving late would have probably got him mad. Well, yeah, Felix was already late, but not that late.

"Keep trying to believe that dumbass" he thought, blowing a hair strand out of his sight.

Why hadn't he taken the subway? Well, he had believed that a good walk could have been better and that, in anyways, there was no way he could run late. It wasn't really his fault if his stomach had started to groan right in front of an ice cream place and the ice cream seemed angelic, not at all.

"Nevermind what the fuck happened, I'm still hella late" he thought again.

He almost got run over while he was crossing a street without the traffic light being green for him and bumped into three people really bad before realizing that maybe, just maybe, he was already late, so a minute or two more wouldn't have made that much of a difference. That allowed him to start to think a little bit more rationally and, after discovering that he knew that area, he was able to find a few shortcuts that led him right in front of the building. Wiping some droplets of sweat out of his forehead he checked the time on his phone: he was fifteen minutes late. He groaned, sliding his phone back into his pocket, and stepped forward, inside the building. However, he was almost immediately stopped by an almost seven feet tall security guard who looked more like a wardrobe than a person. Beside him, Felix really looked like a little chick, drowned in his oversized hoodie.

«I don't see any staff tag on you and the model for this session is already here, so it's either you give me a good reason for your presence or I'll have to escort you out» he said, revealing a baritone voice that suited him pretty well.

«Well I...» the blond paused «I'm friends with Bang Chan, the model... maybe he has left out my name... Lee Felix...?»

The guard scanned him from head to toes, then nodded «Let me check. I hope for you that you're telling the truth kid»

He pushed a button on his walkie-talkie and whispered some words that Felix didn't even bother to understand, feverishly shifting his weight from one foot to the other. The answer was not long in coming, but it probably was some "I'll check" as well, since the guard didn't spare a look at him for some long minutes. In the end, the walkie-talkie made a metallic crack sound again and the same voice as before said something before disappearing once again without waiting for a reply from the guard.

«It seems you're good, kid. You can pass, but don't touch anything, don't bother anyone and don't take pictures or whatsoever or I'll take you out, understood?»

«Loud and clear, thank you, I won't create havoc» Felix promised.

The guard eyed him one last time, but then stepped aside, letting him pass. Within a few feet, he found himself right on set, surrounded by photographers, make-up artists, hairdressers, stylists, directors and many many other people who were all there for Chan. Felix looked around, amazed by what he was seeing, people storming around him like he was invisible. He had never thought there was such a hard work just for a single photoshoot, but, of course, it wasn't that strange, since every high-quality thing needed a lot of work. He took some other steps into the chaos that was the set, but he soon realized that Chan was nowhere to be seen. He frowned, unpleased: he had thought that Chan would have been there, waiting for him, or, at least, coming and acknowledging his presence for a second, but there was no sign of him.

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