-Chapter 38-

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Yet again, Felix woke up because of the sun shining directly in his eyes. He should've told Chan to close the shutter or at least the curtains, but he had forgotten and now he had to suffer the pain of being woken up when he could have slept way more. It would have been bearable if Chan had been hugging him like the morning before, but he wasn't. With a pained grunt and eyes still closed, Felix acknowledged the fact that the bed was cold and empty, no trace of the man's soothing warmth, however panic didn't rise into him like it would have done the day before. He sure did feel a little bit dejected, but he didn't feel like he was going to have another panic attack just because Chan wasn't in his view field. He probably wasn't even home, most likely to be on his run to the gym, which would have resulted in Starbucks breakfast once he would have gotten back. Perfectly content at the thought of donuts and chocolate milkshakes, the blond turned in his favorite sleeping position and snuggled into the blanket with a sigh, covering himself from the sun.

However, he was unable to get some more sleep, as not even ten minutes later his dozing off was interrupted by a delicious smell, which was undoubtedly coming from the kitchen. Was Chan already home? Felix's head jerked up from the pillow, inspecting the bedroom's doorframe with a critical yet sleepy eye. He sniffed the air once like a dormouse that had just gotten out of its hibernation and smelled fresh food, confirming that, yes, the man was definitely home and he was cooking breakfast himself, meaning that there wouldn't have been Starbucks, but certainly something as mouthwatering as that. Felix sat up and rubbed his eyes, wondering why Chan hadn't called him for help or even just woken him up to tell him that breakfast was being prepared. Shrugging at his own thoughts, he got up, the man's sweater reaching his mid-thighs because of how oversized it was, and stepped out of the bedroom, towards the kitchen. The scene that he saw from the doorframe was hilarious and delirious to say less: Chan, a clearly distressed Chan with dough on his cheekbone, was standing right in front of the cooker, trying, and failing, to flip a pancake, surrounded by mess as far as the eye could see. Felix couldn't repress a chuckle at that sight, catching the other's attention, who turned at him with wide eyes.

«What are you doing up?» he asked, distressed beyond reparable.

«Good morning to you too Channie. The sun was shining right on my face as every morning, so I woke up and then smelled your, umh, mess, so I came»

«Whatever, go back to sleep»

«I wish I could sleep at command»

«Just go back and at least pretend to be asleep, I don't care... please?»

Felix pouted, but upon seeing Chan's misery and acknowledging what he had wanted to do, he spun around and walked back to bed, snuggling again under the blanket. In the end, who was he to refuse some more time of pure bliss and warmth, even with the sun shining in his eyes?

He had started to doze off again when he heard some footsteps approaching and he forced his eyes open, yawning. He turned over with a giggle, peaking at the door in order to watch Chan approach him. And what an endearing sight. The man was carrying a tray with a gorgeous smile on his lips, no sign of the distress he had been in just some minutes prior apart from that spot of dough still on his cheek, his back straight and his broad shoulders on full display, a towel thrown over one of them messily. In the whole course of his life, Felix had never had breakfast in bed, nor he had ever thought of someone bringing it to him, but there Chan was, with his ears slightly red that gave away how shy and flustered he was by his own action. For him, the blond put up a little act, sitting up lazily and stretching his arms out with a big yawn just as the other approached the bed, sitting down on the boy's side.

«Hi there, slept well?» Chan asked like Felix hadn't been in the kitchen like ten minutes before.

«Morning Channie» the blond bent in for a quick peck «For the second time» he then added, a smug grin on his lips, swiping the dough off.

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