-Chapter 14-

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It was Saturday early afternoon and Felix was laying on his bed like a starfish, drowned in Chan's hoodie. He knew he should have washed it and returned it to Chan, yet he didn't want to. He knew that such thing sounded disgustingly romantic, but he hadn't been wearing it for the last few days after his trainings just to smell Chan's perfume, since that scent was already gone on the last Sunday. No, that hoodie only helped him fight his neediness towards Chan, which, day by day, was becoming more and more difficult to suppress. Along with his ass getting better, the thought of having sex once again with the man was getting appealing as Hell, but he was still unsure about the whole situation.

However, at that moment, his neediness was too much to handle, so he got up from the bed, took his phone from his desk and walked out of his room, getting to the front door.

«I'm going out» he announced, putting on his shoes.

Both of his sisters looked at him from the sofa, but didn't say a thing, focusing once again on the drama that they were watching. Instead, his mother came out of her office, a scary aura surrounding her. But Felix needed to see Chan at that moment, and she wouldn't have stopped him.

«Felix we have already talked about this: you're not going partying again in a while» she began «Crashing at Jisung's place because you're scared of coming home with some surprises had me embarrassed as Hell and I don't even know how to repair Mrs. Han's kindness»

«Mum they were just a few hickeys, nothing wrong... and I'm not going partying, it's just some... school projects» he lied, his hand already on the door handle.

«Yeah, yeah, school projects... do you think I'm not aware of the fact that you're getting a detention every week?» she asked, starting to get angry.

Felix just rolled his eyes and opened the door for getting out on the little garden that they had in front of the house. However, his mother followed him outside, now softening a bit her tone.

«At least go change and take an umbrella! You're wearing again Jisung's hoodie and I bet now it really stinks... plus you're still in your sweaty training leggings... and it's going to rain soon... Felix!» she whined.

«I'll be fine mum, at home for dinner»

He was already out of the house's gate and hadn't listened to a word, but he still lifted a hand in a greeting sign for then hurrying at the nearest bus stop. On the way he picked out his phone from the hoodie's pocket and proceeded to text Jisung:

Quokka Twin🐿😚

[ I need to see Chan, so if someone asks,
I'm at your place for a school project ]
03:25 p.m.

He then placed it back and started running towards the bus stop, since the vehicle was approaching the halt at that moment, not even bothering to see if Jisung replied to him. He just hoped that he remembered well where Chan lived, or else he was screwed.


It had taken him an hour, a whole fucking hour, to get to Chan place, but eventually he had made it, getting on the wrong ride, having to get back on his steps and getting lost a few times, but he had made it: the building where Chan lived was now right in front of him. For a moment, right before smashing his finger on the button near Chan's name, he hesitated, wondering if he should have gone back or not, but then he just thought "fuck it" and pressed the bell.

However, he had to ring at least five times more and wait a minute after the last one for Chan to actually reply to him:

«Who is it?» his voice seemed really tired, like he hadn't slept the night before and worked all day.

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