-Chapter 32-

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When he stepped into Chan's class in the afternoon, Felix immediately felt better at the sight of Chan sitting at his desk, still reading that morning's newspaper. Not that he was feeling bad, it was just that people staring at him from head to toe and judging hard were starting to feel less amusing and to get under his skin. Neither Hyunjin nor Seungmin was accompanying him, as they had both decided to skip the class in order to have more time to set up Jisung's little surprise birthday party, which would have taken place the day after, on the boy's birthday. That was a relief, he didn't want to face them any longer that day. However, Chan didn't spare him a glance, not even when Felix purposely passed right in front of him, skirt swinging on his thighs and everything. The blond scoffed under his breath as he walked towards his desk, mindlessly brushing his hair off his face. He let his backpack slide to the floor as he hopped on his desk, phone in his hands, legs, for now, closed. He was aware he had a skirt on and it wasn't like he wanted everybody to see his dick or even the shape of hit under his boxers, thanks much. The thought of Jisung's birthday party had made him recall that he had to remind Minho not to plan anything for the following day's afternoon, as it would have overlapped the surprise party they had planned. He had already told his hyung countless times by then actually, but he wanted everything to be perfect, Jisung was turning 20 after all, and as much as he would have liked his best friend to spend his birthday with his boyfriend, when he had remembered Jisung actually had a boyfriend he had already been in the middle of planning and had already involved both Hyunjin and Seungmin. It wasn't like Minho hadn't acted like a bitch and ranted, but Felix had gotten to know, thanks to the other three or four times he had seen him during the summer, that the man had actually a soft spot for him, so, with a few right words, the blond had been able to win over the other.

dancing gem-hyung⚜️💥

[ heyy Minho-hyung ]
04:56 p.m.
[ just wanted to remind you that we
got Jisungie for tomorrow!! ]
04:56 p.m.

Felix didn't expect the older dancer to reply straight away, so he just placed his phone on his desk, screen down, and started kicking his legs back and forth, bored. Chan was still not sparing him a glance, stubbornly focused on an article, but his classmates were compensating. The low chatting was interrupted by Soojin storming into the room for a moment, but then it began again, much to Felix's chagrin.

«Hey bi-boy» she greeted him as usual, taking Hyunjin's desk instead of her own «All alone today?»

The blond nodded «Yeah, tomorrow's Jisung's birthday so the others are setting up the surprise party today» he explained.

«Sounds cool, why am I not invited?» she winked.

«Oh, you wanna come? Sure then, I'll text you the place and-»

«No no Felix, I was joking, don't bother» she cut him off.

But the boy waved her off «Come on, Jisung is also your friend and he's comfortable around you, so I don't see the problem, we were just a few people anyways, so one more it's not a problem... I'm afraid you're gonna be the only girl though»

«Who cares, I'll probably be surrounded by gay or half-gay guys so...» she shrugged, giggling.

«Sounds right» Felix followed her, a hand covering his lips.

That sound seemed to have some effect on Chan, who finally looked away from the article and acknowledged the blond's presence and, moreover, how he was sitting.

«Mr. Lee, fine to me if you're wearing a skirt, but would you mind sitting more decently?» he sighed, trying to keep his voice steady.

Felix snickered and, again, his instincts took control, his genuine reactions came back as if the talk he had had with Jisung a few hours prior had never existed. Still seated, he spread his legs and put his hands on the desk in the middle of it, just to not give out too much. He smirked, eyebrow cocking up, enjoying teasing Chan. He didn't miss to register the not-so-subtle way the man's gaze darkened in want and the way the other's eyes traveled down from his face to his boxers showing, then down again to his legs and then up to his inner thighs, where some fading hickeys from some nights before resting, unnoticeable if the skirt would have been in the right position, but it wasn't the case. Felix smirked at that, pleased, but he moved his legs a bit, just for preventing Chan from staring too much, to remind him that his face was up there and that they were in class, albeit being the one who had started it all.

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