Part 2 of Yandere Steve with Time Traveler Reader

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So when the reader time travels back into past Steve Roger's time line they'll fall flat on their face smack right into the training camp where they'll be training. By that time it was a lunch break for them and Steve was tired from training from so long and as soon as he saw you, he was stunned. What was someone so beautiful and gorgeous as you doing in a harsh training camp? He decided to strike up a conversation with you after watching you in fascination while you were setting your hair. Before you could get up, he held out his hand to you and asked "Are you all right m'lady?" you were a flustered mess by now and a faint blush dusted your cheeks as you held his hand to get up

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. Do you mind if I ask your name'' you asked him and when he told you his name was Steve Rogers, you just stared at him in complete shock and surprise. He asked you if you were hurt and replied no and before he could say something else, Peggy said it was time for training again and she strode over to you and asked you who you were. You explained that you were from the future and you met Steve Rogers in your present time line and she just nodded at you approvingly and beside you, Steve was watching you with bated breath and was glad that he'd meet someone so beautiful as you in the future. You asked Steve if he could talk to you after training was done and he replied sure and you asked him to his best during his training which made his heart race and that's where his obsession with you started. He admired you now for believing in him

So, that day during training he did his best and gave it his best shot since he knew you were watching and Peggy Carter and some other generals applauded his hard work and Steve's heart did a flip when he saw you cheering and clapping for him, saying that you believed in him. When someone decided to flirt with you after training, he got pissed and for the first time he felt anger and hot rage surge through his body and within a few moments Steve punched him to the ground after he tried touching you inappropriately. And then he gritted his teeth and said "Learn to respect women dense filthy scumbag!" and pulled you away and asked you if you were all right. You replied yes and then later on you asked him for his help for some school work. He instantly agreed and with Peggy's permission he showed you around the whole training area and camp ground

He told you everything about from wars to the machinery they use for it and about how important it is to plan battle strategies before going for war and formations and that sort of thing. He looked over to you jotting things down in your notepad and he couldn't help but admire how... gorgeous you looked with the evening sun rays falling on your soft skin, making you look like a goddess and your plump soft rosy lips he feels like kissing them. Finally when you told him it was time for him to go his heart feels like it's shattering and breaking into pieces and for a moment there, he SERIOUSLY considered knocking you out and snatching your Time Turner Device so you could be with him but he doesn't want you to hate him and besides, after you reassured him that you'll be seeing him in the future, he'll be THRILLED and excited to see you again. Now, he can't wait for time to fly fast and let's just say that future Steve will be paying you a visit once he gets to know you've time traveled back into the past. HIS past

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