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You'll most definitely be spoiled rotten with the avengers since they tend to baby you A LOT! And unfortunately for you, that also means no doing dangerous stuff and no going on missions with them or even entering the kitchen for that matter since who knows WHAT sort of dangerous items you could injure yourself with there

They're like your very own personal body guards and they've all formed a schedule who gets to spend time with you on what days and everything. Sometimes it even ends up in fights since they ALL want to spend time with you lol, but be glad that another Civil War doesn't take place. They'll cuddle you and you'll be suffocated with their presence that it might be a bit overwhelming for you at times

They're like over protective parents who'll always be proud of every little thing you do. Be it you getting an A grade in school or even beating someone's high score in a video game for that matter, no matter how small of big your achievement might be, they'll still congratulate you. Wanda likes making delicious goodies for you and Steve might help her at times. Natasha's more like the cool rebellic badass aunt who'll break people's bones if they mess with you. Steve and Tony are the over protective dads and Peter's the one who always makes sure you're safe wherever you go and as for Thor and Bruce, they're the lenient and chill laid back fun uncles that ensure you have a good time around them. Clint's the 'I'm a softie to you but a badass to others' kinda guy

One thing I can guarantee you is that you won't be getting any 'me time' and kiss your privacy goodbye since it's gonna fly out of the window with them around. Like seriously, they won't let you have an inch and ounce of privacy and someone or the other's gonna be around you or clinging to you. I can see Tony, Natasha, Steve and Clint and Scott inserting themselves into your personal life and understanding how you're doing in school. Someone bullied you yesterday? Oh don't worry darling, the Avengers are gonna take care of them. Someone confessed their feelings to you and you don't know how to react? No worries, just enjoy some Ben and Jerry's ice cream and no need to worry about telling that person how you feel about them since they won't be showing up to school the next day, that's for sure

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