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Requested by @Helena110505 and I hope you enjoy :) 

Tony: Seeing you wear his clothes gives him some sort of satisfaction for some reason. It's like you and the other people in the world know you belong to none other than Tony Stark. You used to resist him so much before, when he first took you for himself. Yes, he does admit there was an adjustment period for you when he took you for himself and snatched you away from your old life and everyone else you were close to. You'd screamed, kicked, called him names but he didn't really bother him too much since he was madly in love with you and even though your attitude did hurt and sting him every now and then, he was convinced it was just some rough patch that all couples go through so he let it go

Then he had to go out for some business one day and he was really reluctant to leave you at Stark towers all alone since you could run off or something and leave him, which was something he didn't want. He was a bit surprised the last time when he tried to wrap his arm around you and you didn't resist or squirm or try to pull yourself away from him. He knew you were coming around but he still had to make sure and instructed JARVIS to keep an eye on you. When he was back, he saw you on the couch, you wearing his jacket and for some reason, he felt really happy. He didn't want to disturb you from your sleep and yet at the same time, he didn't want you to sleep out in the open on a mere couch where you could catch a cold or something so he gently picked you up bridal style with a soft smile on his face and took you both to your room and he laid you down on the bed. He got under the covers with you, wrapped an arm around you and kissed you good night as he fell asleep, grateful for this moment he got to spend with you 

Steve: Steve is a yandere who likes to show affection through some physical touch and words of affirmation but you were making it incredibly difficult for him to show you how much he loved you. You just wouldn't stop with all the screaming and yelling and the name calling. He does admit it hurts but he tries not to get angry, any reasonable and rational person in your shoes would get frightened and scared about the situation they were in. But you didn't need other people than him, right? They were no good for you, can't you see that? Can't you see he's actually SAVING you from them like a hero for you? They're all just parasites and leeches, feeding off from your good qualities, no doubt thinking of taking advantage of your kindness and innocence one day, which was something he would never allow, never in a million years

So, he feels really happy and also a bit surprised when he sees you prancing around the room and dancing away to glory to music and swaying to tunes in his suit while he stands by the doorway with a smile on his face and arms crossed, glad and grateful that he's got to see this moment where you're so happy. He almost wishes he could take a recording of you but he knows if he does that you'll literally break the phone to pieces and you'll be incredibly mad at him, which is something he doesn't want. At all. So he's content by just watching you and your antics with a smile on your face and when you turn back, you blush furiously and you stutter a pathetic weak excuse as to why you were in his suit but he just chuckles softly and pulls you closer to him as he kisses your forehead gently and tells you it's all right, he thinks you look good. He picks you up and you both cuddle for a while and yeah, you can't escape from his super soldier grip since he's really strong. He makes a mental note to make you wear more of his clothes, he feels pride in seeing you wearing them 

Natasha: Normally if anyone else wanted to wear her clothes, she'd just give them a look that'll make them regret even asking or thinking of the idea for that matter. But when it comes to you, she has a really soft spot for you. You're the light of her life, the very reason she's living and existing right now. She's lost every thing before, her life is empty and there's a void that needed to be filled till she met you and you've filled that empty void in her heart and life, which she's really grateful for. So, when she started getting paranoid feelings for your safety and grew obsessed for your love and attention, she did the only thing that came to her mind at that point of time and kidnapped you because she thinks that if she keeps you far away from prying eyes of all sorts, you'd be safe. She's like your guardian angel in a way but unfortunately, you didn't see her in such a way. You were immensely scared of her at first, and who wouldn't be? I mean, you get kidnapped by an assassin randomly out of the blue one fine day when you're walking down the street after purchasing some groceries and the next thing you know, you wake up in someone else's house, them claiming their love for you, which is an obsession 

It took a while for you to grow used to her and she was really good with you. She treated you fairly well, told you everything about herself and made you promise not to leave her since she couldn't afford anyone else leaving her. She sounded so miserable and broken and incredibly sad, you decided to stay and give her a chance. You started gaining feelings for her, which she was immensely thrilled and happy about. So, when she saw you pretending to be some agent or assassin in her black suit, she was a bit surprised at first but thought you looked really cute. She actually pulled out her phone slowly and snapped a couple of pics of you in her suit, she was SO putting that as her phone's wallpaper later on. But when she saw you using her knives and pretending to slice and dice someone in the air, she decided that was enough role play for you since she didn't want you getting hurt and she gently set them down on the table as she pulled you in for a kiss and told you that you looked really beautiful and cute in her clothes. You're the only one who'd ever get away with wearing her clothes and using her weapons, you're her life. If something happens to you, she's willing to do whatever the hell it takes to get you back to her no matter what. She loves you to the moon and back 

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