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This is an A/B/O story requested by @luna-D-umbreon and tbh I'm kind of nervous about this since I haven't written an A/B/O story ever in my life... so here goes nothing 

The Avengers were recently transformed into werewolves after their last mission and after some tests were ran, they found out that the change was permanent and it had permanently altered their DNA structure. Which meant now they were part human and part wolf. "WHAT THE HELL? I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A TAIL POKING OUT WHENEVER I WEAR MY DAMN SUIT!" yelled Tony on top of his lungs as he learnt of the changes his body would undergo and Natasha replied "Well it can't be helped. But at least we're alphas'' and Tony spun round and smirked "Hmm... that is true though, I'm an alpha bad boy'' which slightly made Natasha roll her eyes but each of them soon learnt to adjust to their changes over a period of time 

Yes, it was a weird thing to deal with. Becoming a part wolf all of a sudden but that didn't stop them from saving crazy psychopathic maniacs who wanted to control the Earth. Speaking of crazy and psychopathic maniacs who wanted to control the Earth, they couldn't even ask Loki for help since his magic wasn't able to change them back to how they were and also, he bust out laughing after he heard so... yeah, that was a no go. However like mentioned before, they didn't let it stop them from saving the world. They rescued people like the Winter Soldier as well and overall, things were looking fine for them 

Until they met you that is. They had another mission: To find out about the latest weapon HYDRA was developing and what damage it could possibly do. As they trooped into the Quinjet, they got all the coordinates of the location and it was time for them to take down HYDRA. Or so they thought till they managed to escape from the Avengers and give them the slip. They tried to go after them, and now that they were part wolf, they had a stronger sense of smell and enhanced vision yet the HYDRA agents still managed to escape. The Avengers by now were pretty pissed and growling and snarling at each other in the forest, blaming one another for the turn of events and were arguing like little kids till they heard a soft whine and whimper coming from the trees nearby 

Steve's ears perked up and asked the others to quiet the hell down as they tried to listen to where the faint noises were coming from. They found out it was you hiding behind the trees and you looked up at them with such vulnerable eyes and pitifully whimpered and they immediately understood that you were hurt. "The young pup is hurt, we need to care for her'' said Thor and it took some gentle cajoling from their side to get you to trust them and come with them and you finally relented and went with them in the Quinjet. Bruce treated your wounds in the jet and you immediately curled up to his side and fell asleep and they all thought about how cute you looked. Of course they needed to ask you questions regarding how you were injured and where you were from but that could wait till after they went back to the compound 

"They smell like an Omega if I'm not mistaken'' said Bruce and they waited for you to wake up. You  opened your eyes and your ears and tail went down, you were scared of them which was something that they became sad about. They told you they weren't going to harm you and they just had a few questions to ask you. "Do you remember where you came from?" asked Clint kindly and you shook your head but you replied "All I know was that some tests were ran on me and I- I managed to escape but those bad people shot my leg, I didn't know what to do. It's a bit better now thank you'' and they immediately decided that from then on, they'd take care of you 

They were protective of you, or rather over protective of you. They would rarely let you out of their sight and they treated you like one of their own. They treated you like family, you now had people to care for you. The Avengers would rather be damned than let something happen to you again, don't worry little pup they'll always protect you no matter what 

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