A Yandere Peter Parker Oneshot🎄

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Prompt 13: Mistletoe🎄

You were at a Christmas party that one of your friends threw and since you didn't really have anything planned for Christmas, you decided to go and at least try to have a good time. When Peter Parker heard that you were going to be at the party, he was so excited, he could barely contain his excitement. He simply HAD to be there no matter what, he was going to make you his there at any cost. And besides, someone has to be there to protect you from prying eyes of other people

You and Peter bumped into each other while you were walking to your friend's house and you were surprised at the coincidence but you walked with Peter. It was anything but a coincidence though, since Peter was following you and was just waiting for the right moment to greet you. You couldn't help but shiver a bit due to the harsh and cold wintry wind and Peter saw you shivering so he offered his jacket to you like a true gentleman. "And they say chivalry is dead'' you joked. Peter grinned back at you and replied "They don't know me'' and both of you talked about school and how the day went till you reached your friend's house. "Wow, it almost looks like we're a couple'' joked Peter and you didn't know why your heart thumped when he said that statement. But before you were about to answer something, the front door flew open and your friend hugged you which fueled Peter's possessiveness for you. He should be the one hugging you, not someone else

Your friend finally let go and invited you both to come in. Peter made up his mind to stick close by you throughout the entire party like a bodyguard since he knew people would try hitting on you and steal you away from him. And he simply couldn't allow that to happen, not under any circumstances. You and the rest of the people present at the party played some games, danced to music and did things what people do at parties on a regular basis(I haven't been to any parties since my friends don't throw them, yes, I know I'm lame TvT) and you needed to take a breather for a few minutes from all the dancing

You slinked away from the group of people to a corner and stood there quietly, sighing to yourself. But what you didn't realize was that you were standing under mistletoe and you saw someone come at you and they pointed above your head and told you that you had to kiss them since you both were standing under mistletoe. Your heart almost stopped beating when they said that and you told them you had no idea that you standing under the mistletoe and you didn't want to kiss them but they grabbed your arm and told you stop being a tease. You struggled a bit in their grip and you frantically searched for Peter but he wasn't to be seen at the moment. Just as they were about to kiss you, Peter whacked them on the backside of their head, grabbed your arm and went somewhere else

You thanked Peter for saving you from them and it was a bit awkward for the two of you for a few minutes. You were about to say something else when one of your friends from your class called you for something. You apologized to Peter and went to see what your friend wanted. When he pointed to the mistletoe above you, your eyes widened and you had no intention of being in the same situation you were just a few minutes back. When he leaned to kiss you, Peter saved you yet again and you guys went to another corner

"You seem to be fond of standing under mistletoes'' he laughed and you felt embarrassed when he said that. "Stop'' you grumbled but a small smile tugged across your lips and soon the both of you started giggling like little kids. You then saw your friend who invited you to the party she threw and she spoke "Guys, just kiss already! And pretend I was never here" she waved and grabbed a bottle of fruit punch and went away. "What?" you asked to no one in particular and looked at Peter with confusion but Peter for some reason was red. "Peter, what's wrong, are you sick?" you put your hand to feel his forehead. He held your hand in his and pointed above

When you looked up, you saw some mistletoe hanging above your heads and you grumbled under your breath and muttered "Who the hell puts so many mistletoes in their house, I won't spare that moron'' and Peter spoke "We don't have to... you know... if you're not comfortable with it'' and you couldn't help but think how considerate Peter was being with your feelings, he was so nice. And that was also the reason you had a crush on him. You actually didn't mind if Peter was the one you had to share a kiss with, but you doubted he'd reciprocate your feelings back

You nervously fidgeted with the jacket Peter gave you before you entered the party and you mumbled "I'm fine with it.... if you want to do it then we can.... you know'' and felt yourself go red with embarrassment. You were nervous about making yourself look like a fool in front of him whereas Peter's heart was thumping with excitement, his heart was about to literally burst, he couldn't believe he'd finally get to share a kiss with you, the moment he'd been waiting for since so long. Looks like patience does pay after all

"All right, but tell me if you feel uncomfortable'' and you nodded and closed your eyes. Peter pulled you closer to him, put your hand on his chest, you could actually feel his heartbeat, it was erratic and fast, as he leaned so close to you that both of your heads were touching each others' and he gently placed his lips on yours. You then remembered the phrase 'Fireworks exploding in my body' whenever you read about the main character falling in love with someone. But that very moment, you understood the literal meaning, as you and Peter shared a gentle yet passionate and sweet kiss with each other

You lost track of time during that moment, it was like everything had stopped. Peter's thoughts were frenzied, he couldn't believe he was actually kissing you, he'd have to thank your friend for putting so many mistletoes around her house else he'd never have gotten the golden opportunity to kiss you like this. Peter didn't care about anything or anyone else, you were all that mattered, before, now and after. At that moment, for Peter you were the only person in the room for him, there wasn't anyone else

The clock ticked by and you had to pull away from him to take a breath and your face was beet red after kissing Peter. You gasped slightly and looked at Peter, who stared back into your eyes. Even without saying you both could somehow understand what the other wanted to say. Peter then gently cupped your face and spoke "Y/N, I meeting you was literally the best thing that ever happened to me. And had it not been for this party, I never would have gotten this chance to kiss you. I just can't seem to express in words how much I love you....'' and your heart literally exploded when he said that

You opened your mouth to say something but he gently placed a finger on your lips and went "Y/N, no, I'll be the one talking, you'll listen'' and he continued "I really love you a lot..... and... I know I don't deserve someone so wonderful like you-'' he stopped in mid sentence when you leaned and kissed his cheek. "I love you too'' you smiled at him and Peter swore he died and went to heaven. The both of you smiled at each other and held hands, till your friend came back to you both and smiled "Looks like putting all those mistletoes around the house did do some good after all'' and you started blushing at what she said but you couldn't but think it was true

It was literally the best day ever for Peter, he finally got the chance to make you his and he even kissed you. You both went back to enjoying yourselves at the party and soon it was time for you to get going. Peter dropped you off to your house and kissed you good night. Christmas was literally the best day ever, you got to have not 1 but 2 magical kisses with your crush Peter Parker. And Peter loved Christmas for the very same reason, he asked you out. Though you both were two different people, both of your hearts and souls were one and that's what Peter believes and will keep on believing till the end of time.....

Damn.... this was long

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