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Requested by @musiclover898 and I hope you enjoy :) 

Steve Rogers: Man here would be confused and devastated, completely helpless, unable to understand what to do when you vanish during the so called 'Blip'. He thinks he's finally managed to put a stop to Thanos' madness and he's looking forward to relaxing with you, maybe start a family with you since you've been so cooperative these days and spoil you with his love and affection. He's in for a MAJOR shock and a rude awakening when he comes back to home only to see you 've disappeared. At first he's furious and mad, thinking you must have escaped from him and he was also slightly heart broken. He thought you were past this. He quickly suited and geared up, and got ready to find you. He went to ask the other Avengers if they'd seen you but when they explain that half the population of the planet turned to dust, he's stunned. And unfortunately you were one of those people. Steve sits down for a moment, unable to comprehend just what in the world is going on at the moment and says he needs to be excused as he goes out. When he's alone he yells his anger and frustration out and takes his anger out on inanimate objects too. If the threat was in front of him he could have thrown his shield at them and beat them to a bloody pulp. How is he supposed to deal with someone who just gets whisked off in the wind? He tries being strong for you.... for your sake. One way or another, he is going to get you back. Steve never gives up no matter what

Tony Stark: He refuses to believe that you're gone. He's certain and he WANTS to think that you're just playing some silly game and trick on him, just for fun. He's actually in denial if I should say so myself. But there's a rational part of him deep down that's telling him that you're no longer there. You don't exist anymore. Imagine his surprise when he finally comes back home one day.... he wanted to surprise you and when he finds you missing, at first he thought you must have run away again or someone kidnapped you and he's starting to imagine every worst possible scenario on the planet. Then when he checks the security cameras and when he sees the footage of you just turning to dust like how Peter did, his heart crumbled to pieces and shattered. He didn't know how to react to a situation like that, how the hell was he supposed to get you back?! You were supposed to get married to him damn it! And now you've disappeared with the other half of the population.... he feels angry, hurt and he's devastated. He starts cursing at the universe and his bad luck under his breath and I have a feeling he'll actually start drinking to overcome his grief and misery. He'll keep wallowing in his misery till someone has to tell him to get his crap together and do something, since whining and crying isn't going to solve anything. He takes their words to heart and he agrees, and anyways, since he's THE brilliant Tony Stark, he'll whip up some whizzing gadget that will HAVE to get you back for sure. Else he'll also have to seek the assistance of a certain sorcerer 

Bruce Banner: Oh poor poor man... he'd just be devastated and his feelings would literally crumble when he sees that you're gone. Yeah, he knows that kidnapping you was completely wrong and he admits it, but at least you loved him. After he pleaded and begged you not to leave him that is. Bruce here needs constant reassurance that you'll love him no matter what. Since he's Hulk, he sometimes gets the feeling that he's a stone hearted monster but the way you encourage him to do his best and hug him and hold his hands in those soft warm hands of yours....it's enough to drive him mad, literally. He always comes back home to you hugging him and asking him how his day had been followed by him spoiling you with his love. And sometimes you both would also have your hilarious and good moments in his labs but he doesn't really let you touch anything. Not because he doesn't trust you, he doesn't want you to hurt yourself. And now all that is gone he's just so... helpless. Hulk will take over, start thrashing here and there in anger and rage and it'll be a while till he calms down. Yeah, he'll shed a few tears but he isn't going to sit and cry for hours together, he's a freaking scientist for Pete's sake! He'll figure out a way to get you back, maybe with Starks's help is deemed necessary and the magic from a certain wizard too if required. He's willing to do whatever it takes to get you back no matter the cost

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