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Well, you know that the 2 of them are brothers but Loki doesn't share the same love for his brother Thor as he does for Loki, which is kinda saddening really. Or maybe not

You were busy chilling on the couch and watching your favorite movie and snacking on your favorite foods. You had taken a few days off from your work since it was getting kind of stressful and besides, you really needed a break

Living alone sure can get lonely at times but you liked it, the peace and quiet that follows every time every second of the day. You were out of groceries now and you needed to buy more and so with a sigh you got up, switched off your TV, put on your jacket and went out after putting your shoes on. The one thing that sucked about living alone was going grocery shopping all by yourself instead of having someone else do it for you. You reached the grocery store and you paid for the items and you got the heck out of there after the clerk there started checking you out in a really weird way

Dude even slipped a number at the back of your bill and winked at you, you just smiled awkwardly not knowing what to do but one thing was for sure, you weren't going back there again You started walking back to your house and on the way when you passed the creepy abandoned warehouse and suddenly something at the back of you started pulling you towards it. It started getting all windy and stuff and your hair started flying in all directions and you looked back and saw a portal

Before you could even scream or yell for help or grab anything for that matter you were quickly sucked into it and the last thing you could remember was falling and falling into god knows where You woke up on a pavement in New York when it was morning and you brushed the hair strands off your face and muttered 'Please tell me I'm dreaming' and you pinched yourself to see if you actually were dreaming but you weren't

'Wow... okay, I don't even have a place to stay at, this is just great'. But anyways you decided to wander around here and there till you managed to find a way back. You saw 2 people standing across you looking as dazed, confused and lost as you were. You instantly recognized them from the Marvel movies as Thor and Loki

You decided to go over and introduce yourself and when you did, Loki was real pleased that you at least knew him. "I suppose you must have heard of all the great deeds I've done and how powerful I am mortal'' he replied with an air of pride. Thor just sighed and replied "Excuse him m'lady, he has... issues'' Loki snapped back at him "I do not, if anyone has issues it's YOU!" and you started to giggle at the sight of the 2 guys banter back and forth like kids

Both of them stopped to stare at you laughing and for the first time, they both agreed on something. That you most certainly were an interesting person. They asked you for some directions and they asked you if you had a place to stay. When you replied that you didn't Thor immediately offered to take you to Asgard. You politely declined but before you could even say something else Loki put you to sleep with his magic and glared at Thor and replied "You moron... what will Father say if we've brought a mere mortal to Asgard? Although I do admit that she is rather good looking'' and Thor answered "Eh... we'll figure something out'' and carried you in his arms. One thing was for sure, you weren't going back home anytime soon

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