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You and Peter weren't really friends but what you didn't know was that Peter harbored less than friendly feelings for you and not in a mean way or anything, he just loved you. A LOT but he didn't know how to talk to you, he tried to talk with you before but it just ended up being awkward and poor Peter was almost ready to cry from it

However that didn't stop him from having those feelings for you. Meanwhile you barely talked with anyone and kept yourself to yourself never really bothering to poke your nose into other people's business like a nosy person. You preferred to keep your head down low and get good grades instead and Peter found that trait of yours endearing and adorable

The way your expression would look surprised and when your cheeks would heat up when you get flustered when someone calls you cute for being so shy, he finds it adorable. Of course, there's another part of him which wants to strangle the person who called you cute, don't you know you're HIS? Oh wait... he hasn't confessed to you yet... oops

One day you were just minding your own business as you were getting ready for classes after the lunch period was done. You were then met with a scene where you saw Flash bully Peter and it got under your nerves, did Flash really have nothing better to do than pick on people and two, why the hell was no one doing anything?

Flash was insulting Peter and Peter looked like he didn't really mind, he didn't take any of the nonsense what Flash said to heart. However when it was about you, that's when he'd snap. ''So... you have a crush on Y/N eh? Why would that hot stuff be looking in your direction in the first place? You're literally like a worm on a pavement'' and Flash laughed and that's when Peter got angry and mad. How DARE he speak about you like you're some sort of trophy? He felt pure rage and fury boiling inside him and just as he was about do something, he was met with rather an unexpected sight, you

You finally had enough of Flash and his nonsense and you threw your bag on the ground and yelled "HEY FLASH YOU MORON! WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEONE WHO HAS YOUR IQ LEVEL? OH WAIT... you won't find any one else matching your IQ because you're the dumbest idiot around here'' you smirked at him however Flash smirked back at you and replied "Oh... the shy nerd has an attitude eh? I know other things that pretty mouth of yours can do'' and you replied with a steely voice "Say something like that again you won't have freaking teeth'' you glared at him and the others around you were like 'Whoa, is this really Y/N?' and Peter was like 'Oh wow... my darling so brave, I'm so proud of them🥺'

You and Flash started a fight within minutes much to Peter's immense concern and Peter was about you get you away from there not because he thought you were incapable of fighting, he just didn't want you getting hurt. He'd never forgive himself if you got hurt but you surprised everyone around by smacking a lunch tray on Flash's head kind of like that scene from Miguel smacking god knows who's head from the cafeteria scene from the show Cobra Kai and that's when everyone went 'ohhh'

Peter finally managed to drag you away from him and he checked you if you had any injuries and if you were hurt anywhere and he hugged you thanking god that you were all right, as you blushed a little. "Please... don't do that again, something bad could happen to you'' he pleaded with you and you replied "Why do you care so much, does that mean whatever Flash said about you having a crush on me... was true?" and Peter looked nervous and braced himself for the rejection but you just smiled and kissed his cheek instead, telling him that you liked him back too, you just wasn't sure of how to talk with him

Peter thought that this was the best day of his life. Maybe he'd actually have to thank Flash for this chance of having to win your heart, and Peter would make sure you wouldn't get into any more fights. He can't stand the thought of seeing you hurt since he promised himself he'd protect you no matter what

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