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Bold of you to even assume that you'd be escaping from them since well... they are the Avengers. If you managed to escape them (LIKE FR HOW DA HECK DID YOU DO THAT!!?) the Avengers like Peter, Bucky and Tony and Bruce would search for you here and there and they'd break down after you escaped. Needless to say... they'll become unhinged and they won't chill till they have you back. They'd be so worried of you like what if you were lying hurt in a dark alleyway or something? What if someone tried kidnapping you? Their heart clenches and it reforms into something more... fiery and steely filled with determination to have you back. They won't let go of you that easily no matter what part of the world you went to. And if you were able to get away from them, it would take a very long time for them to find you unless you're really good at hiding and haven't left a trace of your hiding spot. And besides they might be a little delusional and they'll just think you were confused and you weren't loved enough by them and that's why you did something like that. I think they'll just be numb and miserable and broken if they can't have you back and drown or wallow in their grief, but yes like I said, they will get you back

Now as for Thor and Sam and Clint, they'll have to calm their nerves down at first and after they finish storming and raging around here and there that you've escaped they won't think of HOW you've escaped since that was already done, they prefer to focus on HOW they're gonna get you back. These people have amazing tracking skills and when it comes to Thor, he'll of course have messengers to keep him informed of your whereabouts. They'll be thinking of why you even wanted to escape them in the first place. Was their love not good enough for you? Were they making you watch too much of cartoons? Were you feeling unloved and underappreciated? You better be good at hiding and pray you have Lady Luck on your side because once these guys catch you.... say goodbye to your freedom yet again. After lots of yelling and tears of course. But if you DID manage to get escape them for good, they'll be angry, hurt and maybe feel a little guilty that they shouldn't have been so... selfish and they'll repent for their actions. They still want you back though under any cost

When it comes to Natasha, Steve, Stephen and Scott and Wanda, they'll be having an emotional range of an OCEAN with feelings of hurt, betrayal, anger, and sadness surging trough them. They'll mostly be pissed and livid or heartbroken and devastated. Either way, their feelings won't enable them to think rationally. And after they're done taking their anger out on various poor inanimate objects, they'll be trying to track you down or in Stephen and Wanda's case, use magic. I'd say Stephen or Wanda as a yandere would be really hard to hide from since they have magic and they can track you down even if you're hiding in a forest or something. As for Natasha and Steve and Scott, well... they might take a little time with their hunting you down but when they do you better hope that karma is in a good mood and the universe doesn't want to make a fool of you cuz you most certainly will NOT be spared by any of them at all. They'll punish you and maybe tie and chain you up if they have to. If you escape them for good, they'll just be feeling hella angry and pissed but like I said, they will not rest till they get you back under any cost

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