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Requested by @themultifandomwh0re and I hope you enjoy :) Tbh, I still don't know even a grain of salt worth of information about Autism and I apologize in advance if I offend anyone with this fic, my intention is NOT to hurt anyone's feelings and if I do, just let me know and I'll change it or take it down immediately. People with Autism deserve love just like everyone else. It's okay to depend on people for help, and screw the people who can't appreciate how wonderful you all are. Your feelings matter and you deserve to be loved and appreciated no matter what💖

Be it platonic or romantic, if there's one thing Loki is when it comes to the person he values the most and treasures them is being obsessive and possessive as hell over them. He'll cling on to you every second of the day and would rarely ever let you out of his sight especially since you're his daughter. What if some scumbag decides to try something with you and tries to harm you? Not that Loki doesn't think you're incapable of defending yourself, he knows you're very capable, it's just like a necessary precaution you know. Better to be safe than sorry 

Loki would know all your triggers and what you're not so fond of and he'll do whatever he can to make sure nothing triggers you. He actually has a secret box of comfort items for you, with your favorite stuffed animals, books, some of your favorite tunes and other things you might like or take comfort in. Loki would NEVER criticize you for your Autism, not even in anger. He knows it's something you can't control and you didn't ask for it but he'll be supportive and be there for you at every step of the way in your life for you no matter what. He'll be researching about activities you both can do together to help you calm down and soothe your nerves and whenever you feel panicked or something, he'll rub slow and soft circles on your back and talk to you in a calm and comforting voice as he gets you your favorite stuff and food for you to eat. #bestdad 

Lord help the not so poor fools who dare to comment on your Autism. One time you and Loki were at Earth since you wanted to check out the book fair at New York and Loki being the complain box as he is told you that you could have all the fantastic and wonderous books you could possibly dream of in Asgard, there was no reason for you to come all the way to Midgard of all places to search for some books. But you insisted and told him you liked the books here on Earth and he sighed dramatically but had a soft smile on his face, he could never refuse you for anything. You were the light of his life, the very reason he was still alive. He finds comfort and solace by just watching you smile, it brightens his day 

So off to the bookstore you go but you kind of feel overwhelmed by crowds so you clung on to Loki's side the entire time and practically tried to hide yourself in his green coat and he smiled fondly at you as he handed you some books off a shelf, asking you if you liked them. You nodded and he grabbed the books as you both went from shelf to shelf, browsing the books you wanted. Suddenly you heard someone making fun of you for clinging onto Loki's shoulder like a koala and you bit your lip as you tried to ignore that person's comment but Loki was fuming inside. Some pathetic insolent mortal DARED to insult HIS daughter? He'd rather change his name than let that pest live to see another day

As much as he wanted to murder that insolent Midgardian for uttering that nonsense, a slow and painful death ought to do the trick, he didn't want to scare you and the last thing that he wants is for his own flesh and blood, the apple of his eye being scared of him. That's something he'll never be able to bear. So, he just gritted his teeth and he suddenly remembered he had magic! Why not mess with that pest a little? So he asked you to browse for some more books and he'd be back in a few seconds, he stormed over the guy and let's just say that he wouldn't be getting peaceful sleep anymore. Of course, other than Loki's nightmares haunting him for a while, he'd also end up being dead after you're busy with doing other things. In conclusion, you have a very over protective dad who's willing to even burn the world if you're not happy

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