Daily life of Yandere Alpha Avengers and Omega Reader

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Mornings: Your mornings would start with you being cuddled and held closely to one or the other Avengers as you're on a cuddle pile with them on a huge bed. They all agreed to share you and you're theirs, so no harm in cuddling with each other right? Besides, you'd get more love than one person can give you so it's a win win for you. Natasha, Bucky, Steve and Clint would wake up a bit earlier than you and as they get up from bed, they each kiss you softly on the cheek so as to not disturb your sleep and peaceful slumber and they'll get on with their day like doing some training and sparring and that sort of stuff

Most of the times you'll spend your mornings huddled with Tony or Bruce or Pietro since they're a bit late when it comes to waking up. By the time you wake up, Tony gets to know you're awake and tries to pull you back so you can cuddle with him some more but you escape his grasp and after you're done with getting ready, you'll head down to find some delicious breakfast of either pancakes, or waffles or something of your favorite by either Wanda or Steve, who love to baby you and spoil you with their delicious food

Afternoons: Most of the Avengers don't always go on missions. Someone has to be there at the compound to keep you, their dear precious little Omega safe, and even though the compound has the best surveillance and security system they still don't trust it to keep you safe. They've seen the world and how people can be sneaky when it comes to attacking, so they can't risk you being in danger. Which is why they'll take turns hanging out with you at the tower and doing something you like. However if you're stuck with yanderes like Tony, Steve, Natasha, Wanda or Clint you won't really be allowed to go outside since they claim it's too dangerous and they'll be really pissed if some other Alpha looks at you a second too long, they know those Alpha scumbags. Why risk your safety outside when you can play a nice board game with them or read a book or pursue one of your favorite pastimes?

However if you're stuck with yanderes like Pietro, Bruce or Bucky, they'll actually take you out on dates since they know being indoors all the time can drive anyone insane. They want you to have a good time and besides, it wouldn't hurt anyone to get some fresh air. And yes, not to forget the fact that they're Alphas as well and will absolutely not tolerate it when other Alphas, Betas or heck, even Omegas look at you funny, you belong to them and no one else

Evenings: Evening time for you with the Avengers would be more chaotic than The Office during a Christmas Party including Dwight and Michaels' antics. It's actually a magical moment with you and them, seeing all of them together and so close with each other, you're the reason they're still all together. You're like the glue, holding the family and the team together and for that they thank you and appreciate it everyday. It would be time for movie night and everyone has their own ideas on what to see. Thor wants to see Harry Potter since he's curious to see what sort of stick can produce magic, Loki is interested in seeing Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit just to he can talk trash about it and point faults at it and everyone else wants something different. Finally they agree to see what YOU want to see, after all, your needs are most important. They prioritize you over anything else. Honestly speaking, if you so much as get a freaking paper cut and the world was burning, they'd rush to you first

Then you guys would end up enjoying and having fun with board games and UNO and stuff where Tony, Clint and Natasha are HELLA competitive

Night: It's soon time for dinner and as much as they like to see you happy by making your favorite food, they also have to make sure you're getting the right and adequate amount and proportions required for an Omega so they make sure you eat your vegetables as well. Steve and Wanda have their own way to make you consume your vegetables, chef's secret. Sometimes you guys will have pizza nights as well and then Tony and Bruce would go for some unfinished business in their laboratories working on their inventions while you're allowed only a limited amount of screen time before you go to bed. Steve's read this article that mentioned that people don't really sleep well when they're looking at electronics right before they head to bed because of the radiation getting emitted from it and he's been on your back ever since. He'll be monitoring and policing how many minutes you get your screen time since he doesn't want anything bad to happen to your health even though Tony does make fun of him sometimes, he's concerned for you as well

After your daily before going to bed screen time of watching whatever you want to watch on whatever device you want, it's time for bed for you. You'll be cuddled with someone or the other and their arm would be draped around you in a protective manner, ready to shield you from the dangers of the rest of the world. Everyone will soon start trickling in as they cuddle with you and softly kiss you good night

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