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🎃 Halloween Special- Fright Nights Event

Prompt 3:"Keep screaming like that I'll give you something to really scream about~"

Requested by @tescobag0 and I hope you enjoy :) 

One of the worst and horrible things in this world is betrayal. And nothing hurts more and rubs salt in the wound when your own best friend betrays your trust. That was the situation you were currently in right now at the moment 

Natasha was your best friend. You'd met her at work, she was really sweet towards you despite her cold and hard attitude. She genuinely seemed to care about you. She was also really over protective of you and you admired her strength. What you didn't know about her was that she was in fact, a vampire. She didn't want to reveal herself to you just yet since she had no idea how you'd react. And plus it was too early anyways. Truth be told, in fact Natasha didn't want to be friends with you in the first place, she decided from early on that getting attached to people was going to be too risky for her since after all, she was a vampire. She'd seen various and multiple deaths starting all the way back from the Ottoman Empire (Never thought I'd use HISTORY for something) but you were determined to make her your friend. You saw how lonely she was and you figured out that she could do with a friend and so, you asked her again and again till she finally said yes to you

She couldn't deny that you did look really cute and adorable. The way your features scrunch up when you're trying to figure out something difficult, your mannerisms became rather endearing for her. She found out that she was growing attached to you and she tried to dismiss her feelings to you at first. She didn't want to see you die too, unless.... she made you into a vampire like herself but.... she couldn't do that yet 

She found out that she was starting to fall in love with you. But what she had for you now wasn't love, it was something completely deep and twisted for you, an obsession in the name of love. You didn't seem to notice the red signs whenever you'd hang out with Natasha, the way she'd glare at people whenever you'd try to talk to them, she'd always hold your hand possessively and when you weren't looking, she'd try scaring them away from talking to you ever again. A few people cut contact with you much to your dismay but Natasha comforted you and told you that she's always going to be there for you

Currently you were in some dark gloomy room. The walls weren't really that old but it was polished and rather modern looking, with a feeling of it being ancient. You were scared out of your mind and you were freaking out. You didn't know who kidnapped you but you had to get the hell out of here and have a fist to fist with the moron who decided to kidnap you. You remembered you had a hairpin in your hair and you'd seen a couple of movies where the main character of the movie tried to open their handcuffs by using a hairpin. You knew it was all a bunch of Hollywood baloney but you decided to give a shot anyways since there was a tiny part in your that was hopeful that it might just work 

While you were trying to unlock your handcuffs using a bobby pin, a certain red haired woman appeared in front of you out of the blue. The very same woman who once you called a friend. Whom you trusted and shared all of your deepest secrets with her.... it didn't take rocket science for you to figure out that she was the reason you were kidnapped. You glared at her and you snarled "WHY THE HELL AM I HERE?!" Natasha just smirked at you, and gripped your chin with her hand and replied "I'm just keeping you safe from the world. You see, I've fallen in love with you and I simply have to have you'' and you just stared at her. She went on further saying how she's seen all the people she'd ever loved die, which kinda made you feel bad at first but that was still no excuse for her to kidnap you! When you asked her to uncuff you and let you go, she just chuckled and kissed your forehead, like you said something cute 

Then she revealed herself that she was a vampire and you started screaming. Natasha was growing a bit tried of your screaming, saying that she was a monster and a traitor and whatnot and she had to shut you up quickly. She cupped your cheek with her hand and with her red glowing eyes, she said "Keep screaming like that I'll give you something to really scream about~"

And you went quiet instantly since you didn't know if she was just bluffing or she actually meant it. And if she wasn't bluffing you weren't really that curious to find out what she had planned for you. Of course Natasha was just bluffing, she would never hurt you on purpose, she wouldn't even drink your blood for that matter, not even on the blood moon. She is a very self controlled vampire and years and centuries of experience gave her the strength to refrain from drinking the blood of people she didn't want to harm. She then proceeded to tell you that she was alive centuries and aeons ago and everyone she was close to died, and she couldn't do anything about it. She thought it might be good if she took you for herself and protected you from everything and anything that could ever harm you since she had no intention of losing you  while you still looked at her with fearful eyes, wondering if she might kill you anytime soon. She could sense your fear and she felt kinda bad, apparently you didn't trust her enough. That's why you were scared, but no matter, she'll prove to you that she'll never harm you 

She abruptly kissed you on the lips much to your confusion and after she pulled away, you couldn't help being flustered and blush. Natasha studied your expression and smirked to herself, pleased that she was able to get that sort of reaction out of you. "You better get comfortable here my love, this is your new home. And I'm never letting you go~" and you couldn't help but shudder how long you were going to be here for

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