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You were 'adopted' by the Avengers and by 'adopted' I mean kidnapped by them. It all started when you made the mistake of showcasing your powers in public and when you tried to stop a criminal from stealing a top secret chip from a laboratory. You saw the Avengers arrive at the scene a few minutes later after you'd dealt with the criminal and you immediately took off, you didn't need people in weird suits at the back of you trying to conduct experiments on you, you'd already suffered that with HYDRA before

You did your best to avoid the Avengers but bruh, who were you kidding? They were the freaking AVENGERS MAN! Earth's mightiest heroes for a reason. They somehow managed to find you and took you to SHIELD's where Fury asked you to be a part of the Avengers. At first none of the Avengers wanted you on the team, not because you were not capable or they didn't like you, on the contrary it was literally love at first sight for them when it came to you. Platonic of course, you were too adorable and they were sad when they found out that you had no parents. They didn't want you on the team since it was filled with dangers of all sorts and you could get seriously injured and hurt during missions, you were much too young for all this

But then they saw this as a way to keep you safe as well and take you under their protection and so here you were, under the so called protection of Earth's mightiest heroes. They barely ever let you do anything on your own, there always HAD to be someone chaperoning you whenever you did something and to be frank it was driving you up to the wall and driving you nuts as well. You were always babied by them and you'd never go on any dangerous missions with them, or any mission with them for that matter. They said it was for your safety

However your so called safety was finally thrown out of the window one day when a villain by the name of the Grim Reaper decided to mess with the Avengers and get revenge on them. He targeted the Avenger's biggest weakness. You. And using you, he manifested and crafted a foolproof plan that would shatter the Avenger's morality and he could easily take them out. He captured a photo of you and posted it to some other villains he knew and offered a hefty amount of money for your bounty, And by hefty amount of money, I'm talking about BILLIONS of dollars here

Now please welcome the most infamous villains in all of DC who were after your bounty, Electrocutioner, Deathstroke, Copperhead, Bane, Firefly, Deadshot and Lady Shiva. Some of them were just interested in the money and the others were interested to actually meet you because of all the hype the Grim Reaper's created while yapping about you constantly till their ears almost fell off. They were on their way to get you to the Grim Reaper and of course, the Avengers found out about this and boy oh boy(*In Sheldon cooper's voice*) were they mad and livid when they found out

Tony immediately got his Iron legion to defend you as he increased the security around the tower ten fold as Natasha, Bucky and Clint patrolled the tower constantly if there was any suspicious activity that could pose a threat for your safety. Wanda, Steve and the Hulk were looking after you and they all took turns keeping you safe or as you preferred to call it, babysitting. You were being smothered with their love and affection and if they were protective before, it was NOTHING compared to what you were going through now

Heck, Tony even confiscated all of your electronic gadgets saying that they could track your location and you felt grumpy but Tony made it up to you by at least allowing you to watch some TV. Doctor Strange used his magic to bewitch the tower and cast an inside out spell, meaning if they tried to break into the tower, they'd immediately fall into a portal and be thrown outside the tower. With all the safety measurements and extra precautions in mind for your safety, no one would be able to take you away from them. After all, they are called the Earth's mightiest heroes for a reason....

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